Canadian Pharmacies Report 1 in every 5 Adults Suffers Mental Ills

Jan 26


Remcel Mae P. Canete

Remcel Mae P. Canete

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According to a new government report, around 46 million American adults have had a mental illness in the past year; and, Canada prescriptions have taken greater steps in helping patients.


According to a new government report, around 46 million American adults have had a mental illness in the past year; and,  Canada prescriptions  have taken greater steps in helping patients. 

"We all know people who have had a depression or an anxiety disorder,Canadian Pharmacies Report 1 in every 5 Adults Suffers Mental Ills Articles maybe something more serious like a bipolar disorder, but this is a pretty big number," said Peter Delany, director of SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies. 

"This is only the second year where we have done this as a separate report and the findings were not significantly different from last year," Delany noted, so there are not enough data to see a trend. 

The reasons why so many people are suffering from these problems cannot be easily summed up, he said. 

The recent economic downturn may be a factor for some, he said. "But these conditions are multifactorial -- there are genetic issues, there are biological issues, there are social issues and also personal issuers," Delany explained.

A lot of people who are not receiving treatment for their mental illness, he said, cite lack of insurance as the main reason why. 

"There are people who know they have a mental health problem, but aren't interested in getting care," he added.

"We know with the appropriate use of medication and with good treatment people can recover and go on to lead very healthy and productive lives," Delany said.  Such as, to  buy Effexor  is one of the best medical options. 

Dr. Ihsan Salloum, director of the Addiction Psychiatry and Psychiatric Comorbidity Programs at the University of Miami School of Medicine, said not only is the number of people with mental problems staggering, but so is the unmet need for care. 

"There is a gap between the need and how many people reach treatment," he said. "Mental illness is a treatable problem, and the outcome is as good as any chronic medical problem." 

Given the number of people with drug and alcohol problems who also have mental problems, those with a substance abuse problem should also be screened for a mental problem, Salloum said. 

"If someone has a severe mental disorder and an addiction, it is imperative to take care of both problems, because the two problems feed on each other causing a bad outcome," he said. 

And with the number of young people with these problems, the focus should be on prevention, Salloum added.  That is, relying much on  Canadian drugstore pharmacies  should not be the mindset of each and every individual.