Do You Know Your Facts from Your Myths About Liposuction?

Aug 22


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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In this article, the facts and myths about liposuction are discussed.

Do you know the facts about liposuction? If you’re considering getting this cosmetic procedure done you need to ensure you get the facts about how it works and what the risk factors are first. There are a lot of myths out there about this procedure so start by separating the facts from the myths.

Let’s start with what liposuction is and what it isn’t. Many people are under the mistaken believe that this is a procedure intended for patients who need to undergo a massive weight loss. Unfortunately this is not true,Do You Know Your Facts from Your Myths About Liposuction? Articles it’s a myth. Here are the facts- liposuction is intended to be used to get rid of those extra fatty deposits but only up to ten pounds of them. So if you are looking for a way to shed those extra hundred pounds or so this method won’t even begin to make a dent or help you towards that goal.

Here’s another one. Fact or myth? This procedure can remove fat from your chin, back, thighs, under arms and belly? Okay, it does sound too good to be true but this one is actually a fact. For patients who have lost weight, especially large amounts of weight, those extra deposits of fat can linger in places you can’t do much to exercise. Really how do you lose chin fat? Chin ups really don’t exercise the chin and dieting can only do so much to help. So in this case if your fatty deposits are in small amounts throughout your body, you may be a great candidate for lipo.

Fact or myth? This is a great tool for weight loss instead of dieting and exercise. Big myth. Liposuction is serious business, it is after all a surgical procedure and as such it shouldn’t be undertaken lightly or with a disregard to the potential side effects that any surgical procedure may carry. No plastic surgeon will knowingly sanction this method as a weight loss tool. The only purpose of lipo is to help loose extra hard to loose pounds and sculpt the body. You are still responsible for keeping the weight off with diet and exercise, sorry.

Final query- fact or myth? This procedure cannot be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures like breast augmentation or rhinoplasty? This is a myth. But before you start planning to have twelve procedures done at once, take heed. Yes you can have more than one cosmetic procedure done at once but if you choose to do so it should be done cautiously. And here is where your doctor will urge caution- multiple surgeries also means a longer recover time and sometime it can even mean a more painful recovery time.

So get your facts straight from the myths and if you do decide this procedure is the right option for you, talk to your plastic surgeon to make sure you know exactly what to realistically expect after your surgery.