ED - How Daily Life Depression Results In Erectile Dysfunction

Feb 11




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Experts feel that men suffer from Erectile Dysfunction or ED because of depression in daily life.


Since men are considered to be more introvert psychologically as compared to women,ED - How Daily Life Depression Results In Erectile Dysfunction Articles depression hits them more. 

Glance through the reasons how erectile dysfunction(ED) is related to depression.

Caffiene Intake

Remember how many cuppa of coffee you had during the coffee breaks or brainstorming sessions? Caffeine intake is considered to be a side effect of excessive stress during work hours. 

In the corporate sector, many employees even gain weight due to the intake of caffeine with cream. Besides, a recent research also concluded that too much caffeine intake kills the sexual arousal and results in erectile dysfunction(ED). 

Junk Diet

How many times have you cheated on your diet plan for fried chicken wings or cheesy pizza wedges? The junk food segment is considered to be a slow poison. It kills the metabolism and weight shoots up drastically. Junk food often makes the person slow and lazy. Depression occurs due to lack of physical activity. 

TV Till Late Hours

There is a popular norm amongst men to unleash their office frustrations by watching wrestling. Late hours of television watching and munching potato wedges leads to extreme fatigue. This also adds to sub conscious level depression. Lack of interest or reduced sex drive often pushes such men towards ED. One of the ways to overcome the erectile dysfunction is through the use of the generic viagra. 

Office Workload

Worries over workload and promotions often kills the gusto. People tend to carry their work to home. This not only creates a sombre atmosphere in the house but also becomes a reason for constant depression. Experts' agree with the point that excess workload in the office is one of the main reason for ED. 

Keep depression at bay by living a healthy and balanced lifestyle.