Follice Replacement Treatment vs. Alopecia Drug Therapies

Aug 9


jeroen waning

jeroen waning

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The problem of hair loss is certainly nothing new in this world. People have been suffering from it for thousands of years. It is really only getting worse on a day to day basis because of the fact of evolution. Losing hair is programmed in our DNA. This is because we evolved from great apes many thousands of years ago, but we branched off into a category of sapiens that had bigger brains and lost the need for hair. Our bodies have lost over 97% of our hair since then, but for the majority, we kept it on our heads because we lose a large amount of heat through this part of our body.

The battle against baldness is nothing new. However,Follice Replacement Treatment vs. Alopecia Drug Therapies Articles the fact that many are now winning this battle is something that has only dramatically improved in recent times. It finally appears that the exponential growth in enhancements in alternative medicine is finally outpacing the human evolutionary problem of hair loss. As men and women are evolving well into the twenty-first century and beyond, the anatomical necessity for hair is greatly dwindling. However, with recent discoveries, many of those ahead in the evolutionary trait of hair loss are able to reverse this issue.
Because of the fact that losing hair is engrained in our genetics because of evolution, it does not mean that everyone agrees with or is satisfied with this fact of life. As a matter of fact, we have been battling it ever since we realized it as a problem. We have used the positive things of human evolution to counteract the negative aspects of it. We use our brains. With our use of higher intelligence, scientific research and experimentation has led humans to take desperate measures.
The Food and Drug Administration has been the result of many potential miracle cures to be delayed. Although many drug companies have been thwarted and discouraged because of this arduous and lengthy process, it is arguably something that has recently saved many lives or at least made them healthier. Various hair loss treatment medications have been removed from the market, or never even seen the light of day, because of the FDA's strict regulations. Consequently, this has perhaps saved thousands from harmful side effects and prevented countless lawsuits.
Di-hydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a hormone that is responsible for male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia. Finasteride was a prominent drug popular in counteracting alopecia because of its DHT-blocking characteristics. Propecia is one brand name hair loss medication that utilizes finasteride as its main ingredient, but it has also lead to negative consequences that has resulted it being in question by the National Library of Medicine, a division of the U.S. National Institute of Health.
As for today, the most popular hair loss treatment is still follicle replacement therapy. Hair transplants are effective and the look very natural, but many still fear the pain and expense associated with the whole process. However, many still favor this procedure over drugs because not only due to its effectiveness but also because there are no harmful long-term consequences. Like any alopecia treatment, it takes several months before real results are noticed.
Because of the many fallacies of past scientific research and the harmful consequences associated with it, many skeptics exist in regards to this radical new treatment procedure. It is so new that the fact of whether it will be a surgical procedure or a new pharmaceutical drug is still unknown to the masses. However, it is the boldness of scientists and researchers to venture into the unknown in an attempt to genuinely help people, however lucrative the hair loss industry might be.