Hair Growth Supplements – What You Must Know?

Dec 2


Kwan H Lo

Kwan H Lo

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Hair growth supplements contain vitamins that help keep the hair shiny and damage-free. With today’s toxic environment, it is important to provide enough nutrients to keep the hair healthy.


Hair growth supplements have become a necessity due to most people's unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Hair supplements are essential in not only making your hair look beautiful but also in keeping it healthy,Hair Growth Supplements – What You Must Know? Articles strong and damage-free.

Understanding the Importance of Hair Supplements

To maintain proper functioning of the body, one must take healthy amounts of vitamins and nutrients. However, most of these vitamins and nutrients remain insufficient due to different factors. The best solution is to take supplements.

The hair is composed of proteins. When you style your hair by means of heating, coloring, and relaxing, you are stripping off nutrients from your hair. A healthy hair requires proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. That is why if you style your hair, it is necessary to have a healthy amount of these nutrients in your system. Otherwise, your hair will become thin and easily broken.

It is also important to note that hair nutrients do not get absorbed immediately. It takes about a month or so before these nutrients are absorbed. The hair grows at a rate of about 1 cm per month, and only this new growth absorbs the nutrients.

Hair growth supplements also help problems with the scalp such as dandruff. In other words, a good supplement for the hair does not only help in its growth, it promotes overall health and protection of the scalp as well. There are certain components vital in every healthy hair vitamins and these include:

1. Vitamin A - Functioning as anti-oxidant, this vitamin helps in the production of healthy sebum. It is usually found in peaches, fish liver oil, apricots, meat, carrots, milk, cabbage, cheese, spinach, and broccoli. The required daily dosage for vitamin A is 5,000 IU. Dosage that goes beyond 25,000 IU is toxic and can eventually lead to serious health problems.

2. Vitamin C - Like vitamin A, vitamin C is also an anti-oxidant. It
helps keep the hair and the skin healthy. These vitamins are found in dark green vegetables, citrus fruits, potatoes, strawberries, green peppers, kiwi, tomatoes, cantaloupes, and pineapples. Sixty mg of vitamin C per day is enough to keep the hair and skin glowing. You can easily get this amount of vitamin C by eating fresh fruits.

3. Biotin - Is a vitamin that produces keratin which is important in preventing hair loss and graying of the hair. It is commonly found in egg yolks, milk, Brewer's yeast, rice, and whole grain. 150 - 300 mcg is the recommended daily dose of biotin.

4. Inositol - Is another vitamin that maintains the health of hair follicles at a cellular level. Liver, citrus fruits, and whole grains are the common sources of this vitamin.

5. Vitamins B3, B5, B6, and B12 - Are other vitamins that prevent hair loss. At the same time, these vitamins prevent the hair from turning gray. Niacin is also known to promote blood circulation in the scalp.

Taking hair growth supplements is not just about keeping your hair looking good. It's also about keeping it healthy and strong. You can easily tell if a person is enjoying good health by looking at the hair. Maintaining healthy hair growth is also beneficial for our overall health.