How good fiber intake can resolve your hemorrhoid condition!

Jun 28


Quinlan Murray

Quinlan Murray

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One of the best methods to cure constipation and the resultant hemorrhoids is the consumption of food consisting of fiber. Although fibrous food is hard to digest and provides no nutrition to the body, it is critical for people due to its main function of adding bulk to the stool and softening it.


Hemorrhoid is a painful and highly uncomfortable condition in which veins located in the anal canal (internal hemorrhoid) or near the opening of the anus (external hemorrhoid) swell to an unusually large size. Of the several factors that can trigger the development of hemorrhoids,How good fiber intake can resolve your hemorrhoid condition! Articles constipation is the biggest culprit.

How constipation causeshemorrhoids

Constipation provides perfect conditions for hemorrhoids. A person suffering from constipation tends to frequently exerts strain on every trip to the bathroom in an effort to produce a bowel movement. These actions amplify the pressure on the sensitive veins, sometimes several times within a day, resulting in a hemorrhoid. Moreover, the urge to visit toilet often and spending long periods to empty bowels aggravate the hemorrhoid condition.

Once a hemorrhoid has developed, constipation worsens the discomfort, pain and the suffering, with each visit to the bathroom straining and hurting the already inflamed veins.

How fibrous foods help in curing hemorrhoids

One of the best methods to cure constipation and the resultant hemorrhoids is the consumption of food consisting of fiber. Althoughfibrous food ishard to digest and provides no nutrition to the body, it is critical for people due to its main function of adding bulk to the stool and softening it. Thus, proper consumption of fibrous food means:

  • Eliminates the need to exert strain.

  • Reduces the time spent in the bathroom.

  • Proper bowel movement. This eliminates the need to go to the bathroom several times in a day.

All of these help in the early cure of hemorrhoids and reduced probability of a relapse.

Which fibrous foods are best forhemorrhoids?

Cereals are a great source of fiber, making them a wonderful breakfast option. Other fruits and vegetables that have high giber content are:

  • Peas

  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • Pears

  • Prunes

  • Beans

  • Broccoli

  • Psyllium

  • Ground flaxseeds

  • Cabbage

  • Spinach

  • Baby Lima Beans

  • Oatmeal

The best way to consume as many of these high-fiber foods is by gradually adding them to your diet over a couple of weeks. A sudden modification in your diet could worsen your hemorrhoid and result in bloating and stomach cramps.