Juicing and it's Frequently Asked Questions

Jan 14


Mark Snare

Mark Snare

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Some questions we get asked a lot on the subject of juicing and health


We're juice and health people here,Juicing and it's Frequently Asked Questions Articles we find that people always ask us some similar questions on the subject of juicing and natural health. So here is our F.A.Q section in which we aim to answer some of the most common questions on juicers, diet and natural ways to excellent health.

Question: What's the best answer to domestic juicing?

Answer : the age old, we reckon that in most scenarios of a family up to 4 people looking to juice a normal array of fodder including wheatgrass or leafy greens, the single auger style juicer is the way to go, won't go blunt, won't wear out, nice and quiet and will juice it all.  

Question: do I need to supplement my diet even when juicing regularly?

Answer:  check this! it's a nutrient depleted world my friend! food miles, storage times, intensive farming from tired soil all have a bearing so we say yes! A quality multivitamin and mineral plus separate turbo dose vitamin C and multi oil capsule should be part of everyone's daily routine! R.D.A's are a MINIMUM we aim for optimum amounts which can exceed the government R.D.A by a couple of thousand percent!! Filling the gaps with quality supplements is an investment in your future! Cruising right through to a ripe old age disease free is well worth £25 a month, no? If you are under stress, you burn nutrients at a faster rate, so to cope, take more in! simple!

Question:  what's the healthiest kind of juice?

Answer : veggie juices rock, they are more complex than fruit juice and basically ace them in terms of nutrition, the top of the tree are the dark green juices, alkaline, cleansing and a massive array of nutrients, not the best taste but drink em!

Question:  will juices make me more beautiful?

Answer : YES! look what happened recently in the news, scientists issued a report that vitamin A rich skin creams have an anti aging effect, it's true, but why rub it on the outside when you can drink retinol (vit A) rich juice and nourish the cells that manufacture your skin! Try a carrot juice a day for a week and watch the wrinkles disappear!

Question: do centrifugal juicers damage juice quality?

Answer : a little, ALL juicers are good things, it's a hell of a lot better than carton juice or juice from concentrate which is next to pointless on the nutrient front. Centrifugal juicers run at high speed and whip too much air into the mix, your juice will oxidize in the glass, hence is loses it's anti-oxidant power, which is one of the main health benefits.

Question: what's the main reason to drink juice in a nutshell?

Answer: Well, we are made of billions of cells and we constantly regenerate ourselves, our cells are like little factories that make this possible, food is their raw material for manufacturing the new you, it makes sense to give those factories the best materials they can get doesn't it?  

Questions: I'm knackered all the time, can juicing help?

Answer : Oh man, we hear this so much, yes juicing can help, fatigue is widespread it takes a while to happen and a while to get rid of, but a healthy nutrient rich diet is essential, getting a prescription upper like prozac only prolongs the condition as in our option another drug or toxin simply cannot help the situation long term.

Question: I want to lose some porkiness, is juicing a good idea?

Answer:  Embrace a nutrient dense low bulk diet full of enzymes other active good stuff and watch your body respond. How can we expect to be the right weight when the average diet is high on mass but low on essential nutrients? A balanced diet is a whole heap more than the right proportions of protein, carbs and fat.

Question: Will a good diet affect my mood?

Answer: Hell yeah! a sugary-hi GI-caffeine diet upsets your system, leaving you low on concentration, hungry, craving another sugar fix and generally dimmer than you could be. Run your body well, and you'll be cooler, you'll find it easier to learn and you'll respond to stress better, not to mention an innate sense of well being.

Question: what else can help my level of health easily?

Answer: You GOTTA move it baby! your blood delivers nutrients to the cells, but they also make waste materials, these are carried away by your lymph fluid. Your lymph system doesn't have a pump like the heart and relies instead on deep breathing and muscular movement, get busy!!!

Question: what do you think of high protein diets like atkins?

Answer: It's a smoke and mirrors weight loss trick that's short term, yes it works short term but it's not all that healthy and is no substitute for a proper healthy diet, loads of greens and nutrient rich juices and good old graft down the gym or out in the fresh air
