Premature Ejaculation – Keeping Your Arousal Level Low is the Key to Beat Early Ejaculation

Mar 19


John Vicki

John Vicki

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Premature ejaculation is a prevalent dysfunction in sexual performance among men. It is known to affect at least 30% of men all over the United States. Although it is quite common among younger men who are just starting to be sexually active, it is also a condition that besets many men who are older and who may have gone through a long period without sex.

You’ve often heard the saying,Premature Ejaculation – Keeping Your Arousal Level Low is the Key to Beat Early Ejaculation Articles "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus," which explains how men and women differ in so many ways.  In the bedroom, this couldn’t be closer to the truth.  Men and women not only differ in opinions, or preferences; they also differ in the way they conduct their sexual activities.  When it comes to sexual intercourse, there are discrepancies in timing as men would usually come after about 50 thrusts on the average (about 2-3 minutes), while women usually take at least 10 minutes before she reaches an orgasm. So, sexual partners would always have to find that common ground where no one would feel short-changed and mutual sexual satisfaction is reached.

This is not that easy for some men who have premature ejaculation problems. A very active ejaculatory reflex means a man releases sperm, which results to a loss of erection before he or his partner desires.  Generally speaking, women take longer than men to reach a high level of sexual arousal which leads to orgasm. On the other hand, because of early experiences such as masturbation and rushed sex with previous girlfriends most men (especially younger men) tend to peak in their arousal levels sooner that results to coming too fast too soon.

If you are one of those who regularly experience premature ejaculation, remember that the secret lies in keeping your arousal level in check.  Since most women take longer to get sexually aroused, you have to find ways to reach your own arousal peak slower than your sexual partner. You can do this in several ways:

1. Start and Stop technique involves stimulating the penis, either by yourself or with the help of your partner and until you feel the urge to ejaculate. You then stop the stimulation to regain control.  This will be repeated 3 more times and then you are allowed to reach orgasm on the fourth time.

2. Squeeze Method refers to the technique developed by sex experts Masters and Johnson which involves squeezing the man’s penis when he’s at the brink of an orgasm to temporarily lose erection therefore delaying ejaculation.   The pressure is applied around the penis about where the head meets the shaft in a firm manner for about 10-20 seconds. This technique is most effective when done with the sexual partner, however it can also be done by the man himself during masturbation.

Premature ejaculation can affect not just your sexual life but your confidence level as well. You can not ignore it nor take it lightly. Seek help by talking to your sexual partner or to a sex therapist.  The good news is the condition is curable – it only takes your determination and patience to find ways to overcome premature ejaculation.