Rotator Cuff Therapy Stopped Me Needing Surgery

Dec 1


Nick Bryant

Nick Bryant

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Rotator cuff problems come in all shapes and sizes. It could be anything from a mild sprain to a full thickness tear or a shoulder impingement, all of them are caused by problems with the rotator cuff to some extent and all of them will involve rotator cuff therapy exercises as part of the recovery process.


Rotator cuff problems come in all shapes and sizes. It could be anything from a mild sprain to a full thickness tear or an impinged shoulder,Rotator Cuff Therapy Stopped Me Needing Surgery Articles all of them are caused by problems with the rotator cuff to some extent and all of them will need rotator cuff therapy exercises as part of the recovery process.

Fortunately the majority of rotator cuff problems can be sorted out without resorting to surgery. If you have managed to snap one of the tendons completely or have a severe shoulder impingement then you are probably looking at corrective surgery. Surprisingly, I managed to fix a pretty nasty shoulder impingement with rotator cuff therapy.

Towards the end of last year I tore my rotator cuff. About thirty percent of us will at some point in our lives. I managed to do it by lifting something that was too heavy. Felt a pop in my left shoulder and woke up the next day to shoulder pain and restricted movement that just got worse as the days went by.

I went to the doctor who diagnosed a rotator cuff problem and made an appointment for me to see a specialist. Being somewhat pig headed and stubborn I decided to carry on using my shoulder as normal, going against my doctor's advice. What I didn't know at the time was that each pain I suffered as I moved was an indication that I was doing more damage.

I had an impinged shoulder which is where an inflamed tendon was getting pinched against my shoulder blade, gradually fraying as I continued to use my shoulder as normal. Fortunately for me, the pain eventually got so bad that I had no choice but to rest my arm.

Because of the extra damage that I had managed to do, the specialist booked me for surgery to shave away a piece of bone to free up the trapped tendon.

With ten weeks to go until the operation date I started to research rotator cuffs on the internet and found out just how lucky I had been. If I had continued to use my shoulder I could easily have snapped the tendon completely.

Having a second chance made me rest the arm properly this time. I took to wearing a sling during the day, stopped driving and avoided any movement that caused pain. At the same time I was treating the inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs and gradually the pain subsided.

Once it had I was able to start some Pilates based exercises to gently get the shoulder moving again, starting with gentle stretches and moving on to strengthening exercises. Because these exercises focus on control and flexibility they avoid putting any great strain on the muscles.

Gradually over the next few weeks I got back full movement in my shoulder and have now been able to cancel the planned operation. Even though my shoulder is now better I still do shoulder exercises every day just to make sure that I don't suffer another shoulder problem. After all prevention is definitely better than cure.