Techniques to Fight Tiredness and Boost Energy

Aug 19


Chloe Wodard

Chloe Wodard

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Energy is essential for us to function well and live life to the fullest. In order to gain energy and overcome tiredness, we have to get good quality sleep, eat the right foods, increase physical activity and learn how to get rid of stress.


Everyone has experienced tiredness or fatigue and all-out energy drain at one point or another. But we can't afford to lose energy and stay tired in this modern,Techniques to Fight Tiredness and Boost Energy Articles complicated and fast-paced world. Energy is very essential for us to function well and to live life to the fullest. We have to keep recharging our batteries. We have to stay energized.

Do you ask yourself, "Why am I always tired and have no energy?" Well, it could be because of different reasons. The causes for tiredness vary from person to person. It could be because of lack of sleep, poor nutrition, inactivity, stress, bad lifestyle and habits, and medical condition. But no matter what your reason is, the good news is there's a remedy for your tiredness and there's a way for you to restore your energy level.

Breathe Deeply

Energy is called "qi" in Chinese medicine. And one way to achieve energy is through diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly or deep breathing. Practice this way of breathing to increase your energy and stamina and to beat stress.

Get Good Quality Sleep

The quality and quantity of sleep are important but the actual time you fall asleep is important too. Make a regular sleep pattern and stick to it. Try to go to bed before 10 am and wake up early so you'll avoid feeling drowsy, sick and worn out.

Watch Your Diet

Include alkaline-forming foods and foods rich in protein and magnesium in your diet. Eat green leafy vegetables, almonds, beets, parsley and fish. Don't eat foods with too much sugar and don't drink too much coffee. Also remember to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and to retain energy.

Don't Skip Any Meal, Especially Breakfast

Studies reveal that people who eat breakfast have more energy throughout the day. Some say it is the most important meal of the day, but every meal is really important, so don't skip any meal.

Drink Less Alcohol

Don't drink alcohol particularly before bedtime as this can interfere with deep sleep. And when you're not well-rested, you'll naturally feel tired and sleepy during the day.

Increase Physical Activity

Exercising or doing any physical activity increases energy. Do a simple workout, dance or walk around the block to lift your overall energy level and mood.

Relax and Have Some "Me-Time"

Create a daily ritual where you take some time just for yourself. For 20 to 30 minutes, relax and read a book, listen to music, watch your favorite show, meditate or practice yoga.

Take a Cat Nap

A 30-minute power nap during the day will help refresh your mind and renew your energy levels.

Deal With Stress and Anger

Stress is one of the biggest energy-suckers and anger is a very tiring emotion. To bust stress away and to deal with anger, you can program relaxation and recreational activities into your day. Exercise, play a sport, listen to music, or go on a vacation.

Try these fatigue-zapping, energy-boosting techniques so you can finally stop asking yourself, "Why am I always tired and have no energy?" and start an energized and healthy life.