Want Extreme Fat-Loss - Shock Your Body

Sep 10


Zach Hunt

Zach Hunt

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Want great fitness results? What you need is a Shock to your body for extreme Fitness results. Are you looking to get: lean, toned, and in great shape better health and abundant energy increased self confidence a Shock to your body for fast results


If you want real results from your hard exercise what you need to a Shock to your body.

Are you looking to get:

lean,Want Extreme Fat-Loss - Shock Your Body Articles toned, and in great shape

better health and abundant energy

increased self confidence

A Shock to your body for fast results

The Shock For Fat Loss Strategy Here's the down and dirty facts about extreme fat loss in WA. You're gonna need to incorporate 3 important components of overall fitness.

Supportive Nutrition

Moderate Cardiovascular Exercise

A Concern For Muscle (Strength Training)

Any Shock weight loss program must have 3 key components present in order to be successful. They are: a moderate amount of aerobic activity, overloading the muscle, and lastly supportive nutrition, I'll explain a little more about each of these in more detail in just a bit.. They carry about the same importance, nutrition probably being the highest. I want to go into a little more detail about each of these starting with:

Shock Tip #1: Moderate amount of aerobic activity

First let me say that aerobic activity definitely is important when it comes to weight and fat loss, however you can go too far. Aerobic exercise is a necessary Shock strategy and is very popular with women of all ages, and some would have you to believe that endless hours of cardio is the key to a shapely body, but I have to tell you that not only is excess cardiovascular exercise not the best things, but it can in fact be detrimental to successful weight loss.

In short excessive cardio will break down muscle tissue, and muscle tissue is metabolically active in the body, which basically means that it burns calories 24 hours a day even while you sit down or sleep. To preserve as much muscle as possible, limit your cardiovascular exericse to about 30 minutes. 3-4 times per week. To supplement the weekly aerobic activity some form of strength training should also be included!

Shock Tip #2: Overloading the muscle

This portion of the weight loss formula is often forgotten or just left out intentionally. Overloading the muscle is just another way of saying that you put higher than normal amounts of stress on the muscle group you are working on to ensure that all of your muscle is maintained while you are on a weight loss cycle! This can literally be an endless amount of activities, from push-ups and pull-ups to rock climbing or whatever strikes your fancy. Most importantly if it is something that you enjoy you will much more likely to continue doing it.

I want to share a little strategy that can very much help you or anyone to make sure that you get your physical activity in every day, simply put you have to schedule it into your day just like it was a business meeting or a proposal or anything else that is a mandatory duty. If you just go through the day you will never find the time to exercise, you have to make the time, just like you would with any other important activity.

A good way to summarize this up is with a quote by Stephen Covey, "The Key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Just like with anything in life if it is important enough to you, you will find a way to fit it in your daily life, no matter what you think your current schedule is like! Lastly I want to cover possibly the most crucial part of the weight loss puzzle!

Shock Tip #3: Supportive Nutrition

The nutritional Shock aspect of a weight loss program is probably the most confusing for many individuals in this country. After all with literally hundreds of different diet's and their books touting the various forms of food exclusivity or focusing on just one food or food group or macro-nutrient. Often times people are so confused that they just don't do anything which is the worst thing you can do.

Whatever you do, do something, you don't have to have a perfect plan to have a Shock, just get started. You can always improve upon what you are doing the further you get into it and the more you learn. So, what are the right foods to eat.

Really you just want to eat like you think your mom would have you eat, healthy food, and balanced amounts of various foods. It is really, so simple, just think of what common sense would tell you. Would 3 cinnamon rolls for breakfast be better or a couple of eggs and some fruit, or perhaps a bowl of oatmeal with some cottage cheese? Basically you want to eat as many unprocessed foods in their natural state for carbohydrates, various forms of meat are great, limiting the amount of high-fat meats to a few times per week. Then a moderate amount of fat through, nuts, oils and other fat containing foods.

There you have it the Shock Principles to finally achieve that body, health and life you've always wanted.