3 Very Important Things to Know to Make Money Online

Jun 5


Louis  Lim

Louis Lim

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Many internet marketers are often drawn to promotions offering short cuts or secrets to making money online. Unfortunately, the outcomes of buying and using these over-hyped programs are frequently costly and disappointing. The reasons for this are not always understood but it generally has to do with the promoters promising more than they can deliver. In some cases, the packages offered are intended for making further sales rather than being complete working programs. Some sad outcomes of this is that they tend to discourage the genuine seeker and make him lose faith about the possibility of making money online.


In desperation,3 Very Important Things to Know to Make Money Online Articles most internet marketers are often drawn to promotions offering short cuts or secrets to making money online. Unfortunately, the outcomes of buying and using these over-hyped programs are frequently disappointing. The reasons for this are not always understood and this tends to discourage the seeker and make him lose faith about the possibility of making money online.

The truth is that, like all businesses, making money online, requires some basic and specific knowledge which are essential to success. For instance you cannot open a coffee franchise not knowing how to brew a good latte or where your customers are and how to attract them to your shop. These are essential factors for money making and this applies too to internet marketing.

For internet marketing I would categorize the 3 essential factors for making money online as

1). How do you go about finding a good market niche.
2). How do you create and manage a web shop (website) where customers can find what they want and you can give it to them repeatedly and
3). How do you generate long term traffic or potential customers to your web shop.

To determine your market niche or what customers you want, you need to know how you can use eBay, Yahoo.answers, EzineArticles.com sites, Forum and others to find out what people want. More importantly what they are buying. And how do you use keyword search to confirm your findings. Market research is critical to any business, particularly to internet marketing as correct targeting of a niche is critical in reaching a profitable market.

The second essential is a set of basic internet skills you must master. The good thing is, it's not really difficult to learn. This includes how to create a simple website, to re-design and upload it any time, operating an auto-responder system to capture subscribers and launch an email campaign and finally how to use the C/Panel to manage your sites. These technical skills are important as mastering them would give you full control over every site (web shop) you put up. Basic computer and web skills are essential if you plan on making money online. With confidence that comes with these skills, you can then concentrate on the most important function of the business which is marketing.

The final essential is off course how to drive customers to your site, capture their attention and persuade them to act. This is called Traffic Generation and unless you get enough people to come to your site and develop a permanent list of subscribers, your success would be less assured. There are a number of ways to generate traffic; but they include those that incur cost and others which are free. The former would include doing a 'Per Per Click' campaign in Google Ad Words. The strategy of getting free traffic includes submitting articles to EzineArticles sites and forums. You can also join social networking sites. The best way to learn is to subscribe to a program that will show you the basic strategies of traffic generation.

With all 3 basic skills in place you are now ready to start making money online. If you go to the site www.TheSuperFastAffiliate.com , you would find an inexpensive program offered by arguably the best affiliate marketing teacher, who'll help you master the essentials.