Buy stuffed animals and take care of your kid

Jan 17


Lim YoonA

Lim YoonA

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Up to 4 years, the child may behave in order to please the parents, hence, that doing something they know will not like, is omitted, is not counted.


In case you did not know,Buy stuffed animals and take care of your kid Articles the number of dishonest kids is growing. Do you even know why children lie?  Instead of falling for digital toys at all times, consider cute stuffed animals.

You need to find the right games for your children. Failure to do so, may lead to all sorts of behavior problems. Try to help your kid become a good person. Note children may lie due to different reasons:

- To avoid punishment: most lies are produced by this fear. It usually responds to parents too rigid and moralistic, and a son in fear of losing their love. It is convenient to find out what image do these children from their parents, it is sometimes very different from what we believe.

- Out of vanity or "cockiness" usually occurs because the child wants to please parents, knowing how much they value these appearances.

- Not be able to distinguish between the real and imaginary: this case needs psychotherapy, and that such children are not aware that they are lying, it means that is anchored in earlier stages of their development or is losing touch with reality.

But, if you get the top stuffed animals, you may realize that this will be treated wisely. Make the right decision! According to the evolving capacities of the child, you should find a way to teach about honesty, to identify the real from the imagined  and above all, try to be a good example.

They always compliment the veracity of what is explained, and once the child lies, rather than scolding him, it is necessary to ascertain the reasons which led him to lie.

This is an age easier, more conformist. The knowledge gained so far is organized and solidified. Children expresses in their drawings what is known as "intellectual realism", i.e. it is not reality draws (objectively speaking), but the objects as they are for them (what they know of that object). So observe transparency between an object and other imbalances, lack of plans, etc. the same applies to stuffed animals.

In the game, there are different interests depending on whether boys or girls. With stuffed animals, they seem inseparable friends. Important in this age, laterality or dominance to the right or left (hand, eye and foot), can be well defined. Use more and become more proficient with their dominant hand, whether one or another. This process is completed up to 6 years, but it has to be defined, it must be clear before it occurs literacy learning.

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