How To Choose A Work At Home Business Opportunity

May 2


Murray Hughes

Murray Hughes

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There are plenty of ways to do business on the Internet, butthey can be basically divided into 2 groups:


1. Go out and do the research,How To Choose A Work At Home Business Opportunity Articles find the resources, bring themaltogether and then build a business from scratch


2. Start a turn key business that has everything you need toget started in one place including training, support,products and websites.

This article refers to business group number 2.

Believe me when I say not all work at home businessopportunities are created equal. I learned the hard way.Like an over excited greenhorn with dollar signs in hiseyes I started a total of 5 Internet work at homebusinesses all within 1 week of discovering they evenexisted. That was equal to about $250/month in subscriptionfees!

I was basically a textbook example of what not to do.

Save yourself the expense and effort (not to mention theembarrassment of having to tell people about it later) bymaking sure any business you are interested in checks outfor the following points:

Most important - does the company sell a product or servicethat is good quality, people want to buy and you would beproud to represent? Boom industries include health (e.g.vitamins, alternative medicine), communications (e.g. cellphone subscriptions), Internet marketing resources (leads,info products, articles and recordings from experts aboutbuilding a business) and Internet technology (e.g. webbuilding tools, face to face video conferencing). There ismore but they are a good place to start.

Does the business look professional? - you can easily get a"vibe" for a business by its presentation. Is the web sitebeautiful? Does it load easily? Is the spelling and grammarcorrect? While presentation is not the only thing to lookfor in a business it can be all you need to decide whetherto look further.

Is the earnings structure fair? - usually the payment plansin work at home business opportunities are confusing atbest. But what you want to be sure of is that you are goingto be fairly rewarded for your efforts. Typically you willbe expected to either sell product or get new members tojoin your business before you make money. The latter is thepreferable method because then you have other people makingyou money as well. You should start earning once you have 3to 4 people in your team. Be sure you know exactly how itworks because there are companies around that expect you tohave a team of 12 members before you see a cent; too hardfor a beginner.

What does it cost to get started? - just because a businesscosts a lot to get started doesn't mean its a bad thing ora good thing. But I'm guessing that you are like I was anddon't have thousands on hand ready to plunge into yourfirst work at home business. It's probably better to dirtyyour hands with something a little smaller at first andtake it from there. Up to $100-150/month is reasonable. Myfavorite for beginners is about $30/month (No.1 work fromhome business opportunity).Special note: Remember that with any business you will alsohave advertising expenses.

How old is the company? - a company that is completely newis susceptible to disappearing from the radar. Be cautiousof businesses claiming to be in pre-launch for 2 reasons.1. that means they are new and may have no idea what theyare doing and 2. these companies always claim to be inpre-launch even though they launched (started doingbusiness) months ago. Of course every great company was newonce so there are times when a new company can be a greatopportunity. Check to see what the word is, do somesearches and try to find out what people are saying aboutthe company and about the leaders. If the leadership isgood than you maybe onto a good thing.

How experienced is the leadership? - once or twice a year anew company will come on the scene and people will beclimbing over each other to come on board. The reason isusually because it is another brain child of a team with aproven record of success. They have the experience to getit right from the start.

Does the company provide training? - two pages about how topost free classifieds is not training (that was the extentof it on one of the earliest companies I joined). Trainingshould be comprehensive, covering how to advertise, whereto advertise, what to say in your advertisement, where tofind business, how to talk to people, how to staymotivated, how to increase your business, how to train newteam members and more. Very importantly it should includeat least weekly phone conferences from company experts andleaders for you to learn how they do it and have yourquestions answered.

Will you get adequate support? - if you have questions orconcerns it's nice to know that there is someone to answerthem. The top notch businesses will actually have a supportdepartment available to answer any questions you may have.

If you find a business meeting all these criteria then youare off to a good start. But remember this is only thefirst step in a longer haul. You must have persistence ifyou are going to make it.

Keep learning, keep at it and don't give up.

Written by Murray

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