Even Discount Floors Can Raise the Value of Your Home

May 11


Marc Willis

Marc Willis

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If you are searching for new flooring then do not forget to check out discount flooring outlets for the best products and the lowest prices.

Just because you get your product from discount flooring store does not mean that it is of any lesser quality than the flooring from an expensive chain store. It is true that some of the discount floors on the market are not high quality,Even Discount Floors Can Raise the Value of Your Home Articles but that does not mean that if you spend less money on a good brand that it is not as good as the same brand from another cheaper location. This rule holds true for any type of floor covering from vinyl tiles and sheets, to wood laminate. The place that you buy your carpet or cork from is unimportant, the important thing is that you buy your discount flooring at a price that you can readily afford.If you are willing to do some of the work yourself, you can save a lot more money on top of the purchase price of your discount hardwood flooring. Installing wood floors is not all that hard; all it takes is a good attention to detail and knowledge of woodworking tools. If you have those qualities then you will certainly be able to put in your very own wood floor. We have laid out a few important tips for you to follow along with the manufacturers instructions. If you take your time and pay attention then you will be left with a fantastic final product that you can be proud of.First and foremost you must bring in the hardwood and leave it in the final space for at least a few days to allow the wood to acclimate to the temperature and humidity level of the space. This step must not be skipped at any cost. Secondly, your surface must be perfectly flat before you attempt to place any hardwood on top of it. It may not seem as though a small imperfection will show through a half-inch piece of wood, but it will. The best way to accomplish this is by putting down a sturdy sub floor of high-quality plywood. The next step is to put a felt cover over the sub floor to prevent any creaking or squeaking when you walk on the wood floor. This may seem like a simple step, but many people skip it and regret it later.The last major step in preparation to lay the new wood floor is making a perfectly square starting line. If you do not start with a perfect line then you will never be able to make the floor look right. As you lay the wood there are a few things that you can adjust to cover up some shortfalls in your work, but you cannot recover from this mistake. Once you lay out the line initially, check it and check it again until you are completely certain that it is straight and square. If you follow these simple tips and adhere to the manufacturers installations instructions then you will definitely be happy with your discount flooring even after it is installed.