Article Marketing and Backlinks

Jan 18


Art Luff

Art Luff

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Article marketing is probably the most effective link building strategy on the World Wide Web. Yet, It is also one that is the most under used. Most marketers just will not do it. Their claims vary, saying I'm no writer, I can't think of anything to say, I'm new and don't know anything!


Let's say the reasons above happen to be true. They overlook the obvious alternatives. With everybody and their brother hustling Private Label Articles on the web for as little as $29.95 for a hundred or more pre written articles there is no reason you can't pick up some of these packages,Article Marketing and Backlinks Articles rewrite them and claim them as your own. You may even find packages for alot less. It's just a matter of weeding out the junk from the better articles. Making sure the article content is valid. The return on your initial investment will be significant in terms of the backlinks you'll recieve. A couple of really good PLR article sites that come to mind and have used myself are and Once you've been a member and developed some writing skills you can submit your own articles to which takes care of your monthly membership fee. Those backlinks are food for the search engine spyders. You'll recieve those backlinks to your site by utilizing the main resource of your article. That being your author bio or resource box at the bottom of your article. This is what the search engine spyders feed on. This is where your backlinks originate. There are alot of marketers that don't utilize this resource to its full advantage, myself included. I'd previously been led to believe that in order to make money writing articles all I needed to do was write an article and put a link to whatever affiliate program I was promoting in the resource box and watch the sales pour in. It wasn't happening. And I wasn't getting any traffic to my main website. Any and all traffic was going to the generic affiliate page. Raising their ranking and leaving my site as a virtual unknown. The purpose of the article's resource box is to create backlinks to my main site via the anchor text I use to point to that site. It is what the search spyders use to categorize, classify and identify your site. Let me clarify that. Let's say you've got a Dog Grooming Site and you've written an article on that Topic. Your resource box should contain anchor text targeting the keywords you want to be categorized under. Like so,

Joe Schmo is a Professional a href="" Dog Groomer /a

You can get more a href="" Dog Grooming /a Tips by visiting his site at a href="" /a

Your anchor text would be Dog Grooming and Dog Groomer. Of course the example above is missing the symbols > <

If you add a resource box similar to the one above with every article you write and submit to as many article directories as you can, It will begin to bring traffic in droves, to your main site. The rule of thumb here is this: The more sites you have pointing to your site, The more traffic your going to get from the search engines. The site with the most backlinks wins. Meaning the best placement in search results for your given niche. Pretty simple, wouldn't you say? More Articles = More Backlinks = More Traffic! You'll be able to build a list of targeted subscribers to your newsletter, make affiliate sales, sign up people to your membership site or MLM program. Your options will be only limited by your imagination. I cannot guarantee if you submit 5 articles to a hundred directories, you’ll get 500 back links! I can guarantee that if you do, you'll have more than if you did nothing.

Article Dashboard Directories

Here is a list of Websites where you can submit your articles:

Using articles as a method of Search Engine Optimazation is certainly viable and like anything worthwhile isn't easy. It is not a magic bullet. It takes constant persistent effort and if you stick to it, no matter what, it will reward you beyond your wildest imagination. In addition to your articles another great source of backlinks is by submitting your site to Link Directories such as: Info Vilesilencer:

The Original SEO Friendly Free Directory List

Search Engine Friendly List of Directories

I Wish You All The Best In Your Daily Efforts To Attain Those Precious Backlinks. Your sites Success or Failure Depends On Them. It's time to Get Busy. Roll Up Your Sleeves and Get To It. For By Doing Nothing, Nothing Is What You Get.