Divorce Attorney - How to Find a Great One

Oct 15


Abraham Avotina

Abraham Avotina

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Divorces put people through a lot of stress. A divorce attorney can limit your stress if you are careful to hire a good one. Read on to learn more.

Hiring a divorce attorney takes a little time and understanding. You cannot hire any lawyer you find in the phone book and hope that the process runs smoothly. Divorces are almost always complicated,Divorce Attorney - How to Find a Great One Articles especially when there are children involved in the family, and you need to know that the lawyer you hire has the right experience to represent you well.

First, choose a divorce attorney who has verifiable knowledge and experience with family law. Most lawyers understand the laws, but you need one with experience in the courts using those laws, because trends in the legal system are not always black and white in the law books. Experience also helps the lawyer handle changes and surprises appropriately while helping you to safeguard your interests in the case.

How can you know about a lawyer’s experience? Nearly the only way to find out is by interviewing one.. This may cost a little, because these lawyers do often charge for an initial consultation, but it is money well spent. Always interview more than one to get a feel for your options.

When interviewing a potential divorce attorney, ask specific questions. Start with simple ones, like how long has he or she been practicing law. Then get more detailed. Ask how many divorces the lawyer has handled in court in the past five years, including the number of contested cases. Find out about the lawyer’s experience with custody cases, which are more detailed and difficult to handle.

You can also ask about the lawyer’s associations. Those who are known as experts in the field will be allowed become a Fellow of the Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. If you find a lawyer who is a fellow, then you have found a good lawyer. You can also ask the lawyer about any public recognition or awards he or she has won, focusing specifically on those won for matrimonial law or cases surrounding divorces.

Of course, all of the experience in the world doesn’t necessarily mean that the lawyer is right for you. You also need to look at the way the individual treats you. If you feel belittled and disrespected by the lawyer, you are going to struggle to work well with him or her through the process, which can become rather long and drawn out.

Find out if there will be a possibility that another lawyer in the firm will be working on your case. If this is the possibility, then find out if you can meet those other lawyers before you sign a contract. You want to make sure that you are comfortable no matter which divorce attorney ends up working on your case.

Finally, decide whether or not you feel the legal professional is trustworthy. This is important due to the way in which lawyers are paid. Make sure you clearly understand the payment contract before you sign it, even if it is very long. You will pay an hourly fee for the time spent working on your case, in most situations. You cannot verify that the time recorded is actually time spent working on your case, so you must be confident in the lawyer’s truthfulness.