Getting DUI Attorney At The Right Time

May 29


Janet Jhon

Janet Jhon

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This is because fighting your DUI case will be easier when your DUI attorney is involved sooner rather than later. Most people assume that DUI cases are impossible to win but this is not the case when you have a good lawyer.

Most people do not take DUI cases seriously because of the assumption that it is a minor crime that will not probably cost them anything. This is not the case because this is a crime that could land you behind bars for a long time. It is for this reason that you should be aware of what entails a DUI charge and the penalties that are involved because this is a crime that you can easily be caught guilty of. You need to know the blood alcohol level because it is so easy to pass the limit by taking that extra bottle of beer in a bar or glass of wine while on a date. In case you find yourself being charged for this crime then finding a DUI attorney Orange County should be the first thing that you do. This is because fighting your DUI case will be easier when your DUI attorney is involved sooner rather than later.

Most DUI cases are built on evidence that is obtained from you during the arrest and if your lawyer can find a way to dismiss this evidence the case becomes weak and this can only be done if you contact your DUI attorney Orange County as soon as possible. Some of the things that you have to note about DUI charges are:

1. The arrest- what normally happens is that the police will stop you and in case they suspect you of being drunk they will ask you to come out of your car and confirm through a breathalyzer. It is advisable for you to cooperate with the police to avoid further trouble. If they decide to charge you then you should consult your DUI attorney immediately. 

2. Chemical test- in some case you might be required to take a chemical test to determine the exact level of alcohol in your blood. The test might be a urine or blood test depending on what the officer decides. The results of these tests will be used in court as evidence and your DUI attorney must find a way to dismiss these tests or explain them.

3. Penalties- if found guilty of DUI you might lose your driving license through suspension,Getting DUI Attorney At The Right Time Articles in addition you might get community service or jail time depending on the type of offence that you are charged with. It should be the goal of your DUI attorney to fight and get you the minimum penalty in case you are found guilty.

It is vital to hire a lawyer that is an expert in DUI cases if you want to have a fighting chance when you are charged with DUI. Most people assume that DUI cases are impossible to win but this is not the case when you have a good lawyer.