Unleashing Your Inner Marketing Prodigy: The Power of Testing

Jan 2


Marty Foley

Marty Foley

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The secret to effective marketing, regardless of your industry, lies in the wisdom of marketing guru Jay Abraham: "Anyone can become a virtual marketing genius equivalent by doing one simple thing: testing." This means that by experimenting with various aspects of your marketing strategy, you can identify what works and what doesn't, thereby honing your marketing skills.


The Essence of Becoming a Marketing Prodigy

Abraham didn't suggest that testing would transform anyone into a marketing prodigy. Instead,Unleashing Your Inner Marketing Prodigy: The Power of Testing Articles he emphasized that anyone could achieve results equivalent to a marketing genius by doing what most marketers overlook - testing and adjusting accordingly.

Indeed, through rigorous testing, you can yield results comparable to a marketing genius, without necessarily being one.

The Underutilization of Testing in Marketing

Despite the potential for significant improvements in response rates through systematic testing, many marketers and copywriters today neglect this powerful tool. Others either don't test sufficiently or fail to test correctly.

One reason for this neglect is the focus on "institutional advertising," which doesn't require marketers to be accountable for the outcomes (or lack thereof) of their campaigns. Their measure of an ad's success is often based on its aesthetics, humor, or ability to win advertising awards, rather than its impact on the bottom line.

The Importance of Testing in Marketing

Conversely, almost all genuine marketing experts emphasize the importance of testing your advertising and marketing strategies. This is because even seasoned marketers often struggle to predict how prospects will respond in a given marketing scenario. Therefore, even if you possess some marketing acumen, testing can help you enhance your response rates even further.

You don't need to craft a flawless sales letter on your first, second, or third attempt. You don't need to intuitively know the most profitable price for your new product or service. You don't need to guess which of your potential headlines will attract the most attention.

Through scientific testing, the true value of all theories, opinions, and educated guesses are revealed. If they genuinely contribute to marketing success, testing will validate it. If they don't, testing will expose that as well.

Conclusion: The Power of Testing in Marketing

In conclusion, you don't need to be a literal marketing genius to improve the response to your marketing efforts. Nor do you need to heed the marketing advice of others, which may be well-intentioned but inaccurate and unprofitable.

Your prospects and customers can guide you to the most profitable marketing strategies in various areas, provided you are willing to test.

For more insights on marketing strategies, check out Jay Abraham's thoughts on the subject. For a deeper understanding of scientific testing in marketing, Harvard Business Review offers an excellent article on the power of online experiments.