The Information Age vs. The Communication Age

Dec 29


Chris Morgan

Chris Morgan

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Communication is not only a part of a person's personal growth; itis also a necessary part of any successful business campaign. Youmay be saying, 'what does communication have to do with asuccessful business campaign?' Well, let me tell you a little storyabout human nature.


Humans are social animals. They long for inclusion and don't wantto be left out.

Early humans developed sign language to get there messages out to awider audience,The Information Age vs. The Communication  Age Articles later they developed writing skills, still laterthey made books, newspapers & magazines, the telegraph, telephone,television, radio, record player, tape recorder, fax machine, cellphones, DVD & CD Players, I pods and the Internet.

Believe it or not, most of the above list didn't exist before 1930.The fact is that many of the communications we use today weredeveloped in the later years of the last century (the informationage). Even stranger than that, more times than not people inbusiness don't even use those technologies that are widelyavailable to them.

The leaders in the group are the ones that communicate best; allthe others are just "want-a-bees." Statistics show that there aremore than six billion people on our planet, yet only three percentof them are the leaders & ultimately they employ the ninety-sevenpercent of the population. That is the best example I know abouthuman nature and "the survival of the fittest" and how it works.

Most of us know that the better part of any business (70% of it) isadvertising/marketing. This is by far the biggest ongoing expense &one of the most critical for building a large bonded responsiveclientele.

People literally hate to be sold. That tells me that I should notoffer my products/services to people that are not in my targetmarket or have not expressed an interest in what I sell. The bestway to sell a lot of lemonade is to set up your stand in the desertin front of a thirsty crowd.

Buying is an emotional decision by the buyer. A Buyer is lookingfor self-gratification. They are not looking for something theyneed to satisfy their intellect. What they want is what they need,they are the only ones that know what they know. The wise move isto only sell what they want; you get more satisfied customers thatway.

By nature, when humans get what they need, most times the thrill ofvictory is short lived. The pleasure of conquest disappears after ashort period of time and then they start looking for greenerpastures.

In conclusion, if you start using the technologies of theinformation age, target your market & market don't sell, yourcommunication skills will sustain your business.

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