Hate That Chore? Change Your Mind

May 3


Lynn Cutts

Lynn Cutts

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Transforming your approach to mundane tasks can significantly alter your experience of them. This article explores practical strategies to reframe your mindset about chores, making them less daunting and perhaps even enjoyable. From tax season to daily household tasks, changing your perspective can turn a dreaded chore into a tolerable, if not pleasurable, activity.


The Psychological Impact of Chores

Chores are often perceived as unpleasant but necessary parts of life. According to a study by the Pew Research Center,Hate That Chore? Change Your Mind Articles around 85% of Americans say they regularly do household chores, but few find joy in these activities. The way we approach tasks can greatly influence our feelings towards them. Cognitive behavioral therapy suggests that changing our thoughts can change our feelings and behaviors, a principle that can be applied to how we handle chores.

Reframing Your Mindset

  1. Gratitude Adjustment: Instead of dreading the chore, try to find aspects of it to be grateful for. For instance, paying taxes means you're contributing to societal benefits like roads, schools, and emergency services.

  2. Focus on the Outcome: Concentrate on how relieved you'll feel once the task is done. Completing your tax returns, for example, means you won't have to worry about penalties or last-minute filing stress.

  3. Find the Positive: Even if the task itself isn't enjoyable, look for positive aspects. Perhaps it's the peace of mind that comes after cleaning out the fridge or the satisfaction of having all your financial documents in order for tax season.

  4. Engage Your Senses: Make the experience more sensual. Notice the feel of warm water on your hands as you wash dishes, or enjoy the crispness of fresh sheets when making the bed.

  5. Humor and Playfulness: Lighten the mood by finding humor in the task. Imagining what stories the dust bunnies under the bed could tell or joking about the absurdity of some tax deductions can make the process more bearable.

  6. Empowering Language: Change your dialogue about the chore. Instead of saying, "I have to clean the house," try, "I choose to clean the house for a healthier environment."

  7. Stop the Worry Cycle: Often, the anticipation of a chore is worse than the chore itself. Reduce the time spent dreading the task and dive in; you might find it's not as bad as you expected.

The Impact of Attitude on Experience

Our attitude plays a crucial role in how we experience life's tasks. A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that people who adopted a more optimistic outlook on life tended to handle daily stresses better and reported higher overall satisfaction. This suggests that a shift in mindset about chores could lead to greater life satisfaction.

Strategies in Action

Consider the task of filing taxes, often dreaded by many. The IRS reported that for the 2020 fiscal year, about 157 million tax returns were filed electronically. This task can be overwhelming due to its complexity and the fear of making mistakes. However, by focusing on the benefits (e.g., potential refunds, contributing to public services), the task can feel more meaningful and less burdensome.


While chores might never be the highlight of your day, changing your mindset can transform them from dreadful tasks to parts of your routine that offer satisfaction and even moments of joy. By implementing these strategies, you can make everyday chores feel less like a burden and more like a manageable, and sometimes enjoyable, part of life.

For further reading on cognitive behavioral techniques and their applications, visit the American Psychological Association or explore resources at Mindful, which offers insights into mindfulness practices that can enhance daily life activities.