8 Basic Debugging Techniques in Python

Nov 28


Damian Bourne

Damian Bourne

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Debugging is a crucial part of coding in any programming language, including Python. In this article, we will explore some basic and effective debugging techniques that can help Python developers identify and fix errors in their code.


These techniques include printing and checking variables,8 Basic Debugging Techniques in Python Articles using assertions, utilizing the logging module, using the pdb debugger, leveraging integrated development environments (IDEs), and even resorting to old-fashioned pen and paper. 

By mastering these techniques, programmers can enhance their Python coding experience and streamline their projects easily and efficiently.

1. Print and Check: A Simple Yet Powerful Debugging Technique

When it comes to debugging in Python, one of the most basic yet effective techniques is to print and check the values of specific variables. 

By inserting print statements at relevant points in your code, you can easily verify if the variables are holding the expected values. 

This simple technique allows you to quickly identify any discrepancies and narrow down the root cause of a bug. 

However, it's important to remove these print statements after debugging to maintain code cleanliness and readability.

By printing and checking variables, you gain valuable insights into the state of your code at different execution points. 

This technique is particularly useful when dealing with complex code or when there are multiple variables involved in a certain logic or calculation. 

Simply print the variables of interest and carefully examine their values to ensure they align with your expectations. 

If you notice any unexpected values, you can then focus your debugging efforts on investigating the specific part of the code where the discrepancy occurs.

Here's an example of how print and check can be applied:

"You have written a function that calculates the average temperature for a given list of temperature values. However, you notice that the calculated average doesn't match your expectations. To identify the issue, you insert a print statement in your code, just before calculating the average. By printing the list of temperature values, you discover that one value is significantly higher than the others. This discrepancy explains the incorrect average calculation. Armed with this knowledge, you can now investigate why this particular value is higher and fix the bug."

In conclusion, the print and check technique is a simple yet powerful tool in your debugging arsenal. 

By leveraging the ability to print and inspect variables, you can swiftly identify and fix issues in your Python code. 

Remember to use this technique judiciously and remove the print statements once the debugging process is complete, to maintain code cleanliness and readability.

Pros Cons
Quick and easy way to verify variable values Can clutter code if not removed after debugging
Helps narrow down the root cause of a bug Requires manual inspection of printed values
Useful for complex code or calculations with multiple variables -

2. Assert and Check

Another useful debugging technique in Python is the use of the assert statement. 

Similar to the print and check technique, the assert statement allows for conditional checking of variables. 

If the condition is False, an AssertionError is raised, indicating that there is an issue. 

The advantage of using assert over print is that it provides a more structured way of checking variables and can be enabled or disabled globally with the -0 parameter. 

However, it is important to use assert statements judiciously to avoid cluttering the code and making it harder to read.

Here is an example of using assert in Python:

x = 5

assert x > 0, "x should be a positive number"

In this example, if the value of x is not greater than 0, an AssertionError will be raised with the message "x should be a positive number". 

This allows developers to quickly identify and fix issues in their code by explicitly stating the expected conditions.

By incorporating the assert statement into their debugging workflow, Python developers can ensure the correctness of their code and catch errors early in the development process.

3. Using the logging Module

In addition to the print and check technique and the assert and check technique, another powerful debugging technique in Python is using the logging module. 

The logging module provides a professional and structured way to debug code, offering various functionalities and options for outputting debug messages. 

Instead of using print statements or assert statements, developers can use the logging functions to log messages to different locations, such as the console or a file.

One advantage of using the logging module is the flexibility it provides in organizing and managing debug messages. 

Developers can set different logging levels, such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, etc., to filter and control the level of detail for the debug messages. 

This helps in focusing on specific areas of code or narrowing down the scope of the debug information. 

Additionally, logging messages can be saved in a file, making it easier to review and analyze the history of debug logs.

By utilizing the logging module, developers can enhance their debugging process and gain valuable insights into the behavior of their code. 

The logging module is especially useful when dealing with large projects or complex systems where print statements may not be practical or sufficient. 

It provides a professional and standardized approach to debugging, improving code quality and maintainability.

Logging Levels

Level Description
DEBUG Detailed information, typically useful only for diagnostic purposes.
INFO Confirmation that things are working as expected.
WARNING An indication that something unexpected happened or potential issues that do not prevent the program from functioning.
ERROR Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function.
CRITICAL A very serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running.

4. pdb Debugger

In the realm of Python debugging techniques, the pdb debugger stands as a powerful tool that can greatly assist in the identification and resolution of complex bugs. 

With its step-by-step execution mode, pdb allows you to closely monitor the running status of your code at any given point, providing real-time inspection of variables. 

Enabling the pdb debugger at the start of your program grants you the ability to navigate through your code, set breakpoints, and gain a deeper understanding of the program's execution flow.

A key advantage of using the pdb debugger is its ability to bring clarity to intricate bugs that may otherwise be challenging to pinpoint and rectify. 

By taking advantage of pdb, you can effectively unravel complex issues, fostering a more streamlined debugging process.

When harnessing the power of the pdb debugger, keep in mind that it is essential to have a firm grasp on the flow and structure of your code. 

With a solid understanding of your program's intricacies, you can strategically employ pdb to tackle even the most elusive bugs, ensuring that your Python code remains robust and error-free.

Use Cases of pdb Debugger

  • Inspecting the values of variables during runtime for accurate diagnosis of bugs;
  • Setting breakpoints to pause code execution at specific points, allowing for in-depth analysis;
  • Stepping through code step-by-step to understand the flow and track down errors;
  • Examining the call stack to trace the origins of bugs and identify areas of improvement;

By leveraging the pdb debugger and its various capabilities, Python developers can gain valuable insights into their code and achieve efficient bug resolution, elevating the quality and reliability of their applications.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

When it comes to debugging, having the right tools can make all the difference. 

That's where integrated development environments (IDEs) come in. 

IDEs like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Eclipse (with the "pydev" plugin) offer built-in debugging capabilities that can significantly enhance your debugging experience.

With an IDE, you have access to features such as breakpoints, single-step execution, and even remote debugging. 

These tools provide a user-friendly interface for navigating through your Python code, allowing you to pinpoint the exact location of bugs and examine variables in real-time.

IDEs offer a comprehensive set of debugging features that are specifically tailored to Python development. 

They provide a seamless debugging experience, allowing you to focus on identifying and fixing issues in your code quickly and efficiently.

  • IDEs like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Eclipse are powerful tools for debugging Python code.
  • They provide features such as breakpoints, single-step execution, and remote debugging.
  • IDEs offer a user-friendly interface and a seamless debugging experience tailored to Python development.

Visual Studio Code

  • Breakpoints
  • Single-step execution
  • Remote debugging


  • Advanced debugging tools
  • Code analysis
  • Unit testing

Eclipse (with "pydev" plugin)

  • Integrated debugger
  • Code navigation
  • Refactoring support

5. Pen and Paper: An Effective Debugging Technique

While modern debugging techniques often rely on advanced tools and software, sometimes a more traditional approach can be just as effective. 

When faced with complex projects or a lack of documentation, pen and paper can be valuable tools for debugging your Python code.

With pen and paper, you can visually map out code snippets, variable values, and class relationships. 

This visual approach allows you to analyze and understand the structure of your code better. 

By visually mapping out dependencies and logic, you can easily identify errors or incorrect logic, leading to more efficient debugging.

Pen and paper serve as a complementary tool to other debugging techniques. 

As you navigate through your code, jotting down key information can help you 

keep track of your thought process and aid in identifying potential bugs. Additionally, having a physical reference can prevent you from getting lost in complex codebases or forgetting key details.


"By visually mapping out the code and dependencies on paper, I was able to identify a flaw in my logic that I had overlooked. This simple technique helped me pinpoint the source of the bug and quickly implement a fix."
— Experienced Python Developer

While pen and paper may seem old-fashioned, its simplicity and tactile nature can provide a unique perspective on your code. 

So, the next time you find yourself stuck in a debugging conundrum, don't hesitate to pick up a pen and let your ideas flow onto paper.

Understanding the Error Message

When it comes to debugging in Python, one of the most crucial skills to master is understanding the error messages that are thrown by the interpreter. 

These error messages provide valuable insights into where the error occurred, the type of error, and potentially the root cause of the issue. 

By carefully reading and interpreting these error messages, you can quickly identify the problematic code and take the necessary steps to fix it.

Let's take a look at an example of an error message:

NameError: name 'variable_name' is not defined

In this case, Python is telling you that there is a name error and that the variable 'variable_name' is not defined. 

This error typically occurs when you're trying to use a variable that has not been assigned a value or is out of scope. 

By understanding the error message, you can pinpoint the exact location in your code where the error is occurring and rectify it accordingly.

It's important to note that error messages are your friends when it comes to debugging. 

They provide valuable clues and guidance on how to fix the issue at hand. 

Take the time to carefully read and understand error messages, and use them as a tool to debug your Python code effectively.

Common Python Error Messages

Error Type Description
NameError Occurs when you try to use a variable that is not defined or out of scope.
TypeError Occurs when an operation or function is applied to an object of an inappropriate type.
ValueError Occurs when a function receives an argument of the correct type but with an invalid value.
ImportError Occurs when an imported module or package cannot be found or accessed.

By familiarizing yourself with these common error types and understanding their implications, you can effectively debug your Python code and resolve issues more efficiently.

6. Exception Handling

Exception handling is a fundamental debugging technique in Python. 

By gracefully handling exceptional occurrences, you can prevent your programs from crashing and provide appropriate error messages to your users. 

The try-except block is used to catch and handle exceptions in Python. 

By wrapping code that might raise an exception within a try block, you can specify alternative actions to be taken if an exception occurs. 

Exception handling helps maintain program flow and allows for better error management.

When an exception is raised within the try block, it is caught by the corresponding except block. 

You can even handle specific types of exceptions using multiple except blocks. 

This enables you to tailor your error handling based on the specific situation or to perform different error-handling operations for different types of exceptions.

Here is an example of how exception handling can be implemented:


# code that might raise an exception

except ExceptionType:

# code to handle the exception

By effectively utilizing exception handling, you can ensure that your programs continue to run smoothly, even in the face of unexpected errors. 

This not only enhances the user experience but also helps you in pinpointing and debugging issues more efficiently.

Common Exception Types:

When working with exception handling, it is important to be familiar with common exception types in Python. 

Some of the commonly encountered exception types include:

  • NameError: Raised when an identifier (variable, function, class, module, etc.) is not found.
  • TypeError: Raised when an operation or function is applied to an object of an inappropriate type.
  • ValueError: Raised when a function receives an argument of the correct type but an inappropriate value.
  • ImportError: Raised when an imported module or package cannot be found or loaded.

By familiarizing yourself with these common exception types, you can quickly identify and resolve issues in your code, making your debugging process more efficient.

7. Effective Use of Logging

Logging is an indispensable debugging technique that can greatly enhance your Python development process. 

By leveraging the logging module, you can gain valuable insights into your program's behavior, track down bugs more efficiently, and ensure the smooth operation of your code.

"Logging allows you to output messages to different locations, such as the console or a file, providing better organization and management of debug information."

When using logging, it's important to employ effective practices to maximize its benefits. 

Firstly, setting different logging levels allows you to control the verbosity of your debug messages. 

By categorizing messages into levels such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL, you can filter out unnecessary information and focus on the most relevant details.

To further enhance the effectiveness of your logs, you can use logging formatters to customize the output format. 

This enables you to include additional information such as timestamps, process IDs, and module names, making it easier to analyze and trace the flow of your program.

Logging Level Comparison

Logging Level Description
DEBUG Detailed information, typically useful for diagnosing problems. These messages can be quite voluminous.
INFO Confirmation that things are working as expected. Helpful for understanding the general flow of the program.
WARNING An indication that something unexpected happened or that there may be a potential issue in the near future. The program remains unaffected.
ERROR A more serious issue that prevents the program from functioning as intended. The program is still able to continue running.
CRITICAL A critical error that may lead to the termination of the program. This often indicates a severe problem requiring immediate attention.

By leveraging the power of logging and adopting effective logging practices, you can gain valuable insights into your code, detect and fix bugs more efficiently, and ensure the optimal performance and reliability of your Python programs.

8. Understanding Common Error Types

When it comes to debugging in Python, understanding common error types is essential. 

By familiarizing yourself with these error types, you can quickly identify and resolve issues in your code, leading to more efficient debugging. 

Here are some of the most frequently encountered error types in Python:

  • NameError: This error occurs when you try to use a variable or name that hasn't been defined yet.
  • TypeError: A TypeError is raised when an operation is performed on an object of an inappropriate type.
  • ValueError: When a function receives an argument of the correct type but an inappropriate value, a ValueError is raised.
  • ImportError: This error occurs when you try to import a module that cannot be found.

Each error type has its own distinct characteristics and potential causes. 

By knowing what these errors mean and how they are triggered, you can quickly pinpoint the source of the problem and apply the appropriate fix.

When encountering an error, don't panic. Instead, carefully read the error message and use it as a starting point for your debugging process. 

The error message often provides valuable information about where the error occurred and what might be causing it. 

By interpreting the error message effectively, you can gain insights and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue.


Consider the following code snippet:

name = "John Doe"

age = 25

print("Hello, my name is " + neme + " and I am " + str(age))

In this example, there is a typo in the variable name 'name'. Instead of writing 'name', it is mistakenly written as 'neme'. This would result in a NameError as the variable 'neme' has not been defined. By carefully examining the error message, you can spot the typo and correct it by changing 'neme' to 'name', resolving the error.

Debugging Tools in Python

Alongside the various debugging techniques discussed earlier, Python offers a range of powerful debugging tools that can further enhance your debugging process. 

These tools are designed to help you identify and fix issues in your code more efficiently, leading to improved productivity and code quality.

1. Code Profilers

One essential debugging tool in Python is the code profiler. 

Profilers analyze the performance of your code, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimize the execution time. 

They provide detailed information about the time taken by each function or method, helping you prioritize optimization efforts. 

By using a code profiler, you can ensure that your code runs smoothly and efficiently.

2. Memory Debugging Tools

Memory-related issues can be challenging to diagnose and fix, but Python offers memory debugging tools that can make the process easier. 

These tools help you identify memory leaks, excessive memory usage, and other memory-related problems in your code. 

By using memory debugging tools, you can ensure that your code is efficient and doesn't consume unnecessary resources.

3. IDE-specific Debugging Features

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Jupyter Notebook provide specific debugging features tailored to Python. 

These features include step-by-step execution, breakpoints, variable inspection, and interactive debugging. IDEs make it easier to navigate and understand your code, allowing you to track down bugs more effectively.

In conclusion, by leveraging the various debugging tools available in Python, you can streamline your debugging process and become a more efficient and effective programmer. 

Whether you're optimizing performance with code profilers, hunting down memory issues with memory debugging tools, or utilizing IDE-specific features, these tools will help you debug your code with confidence and precision.


As a Python developer, mastering various debugging techniques is essential for efficient and error-free coding. 

By utilizing techniques like printing and checking variables, using assertions, leveraging the logging module, and utilizing the pdb debugger, you can streamline your debugging process and become a more effective problem solver.

Additionally, by using integrated development environments (IDEs) and leveraging tools specifically designed for Python debugging, you can further enhance your productivity and code quality. 

These tools include code profilers, memory debugging tools, and IDE-specific debugging features.

Remember, debugging is an integral part of your everyday coding journey. 

By equipping yourself with a robust set of debugging techniques and tools, you can overcome challenges and deliver high-quality code that meets user needs. 

Keep honing your debugging skills and exploring new possibilities to excel in your coding journey.


What are some basic debugging techniques in Python?

Some basic debugging techniques in Python include printing and checking variables, using assertions, utilizing the logging module, using the pdb debugger, leveraging integrated development environments (IDEs), and even resorting to old-fashioned pen and paper.

How can I print and check variables to debug my Python code?

By inserting print statements in the code at relevant points, developers can verify if the variables are holding the expected values. This technique allows for quick identification of any discrepancies and helps in narrowing down the root cause of a bug.

How can I use assertions to debug my Python code?

The assert statement in Python allows for conditional checking of variables. If the condition is False, an AssertionError is raised, indicating that there is an issue. The advantage of using assert over print is that it provides a more structured way of checking variables and can be enabled or disabled globally with the -0 parameter.

What is the logging module in Python and how can I use it for debugging?

The logging module in Python offers a professional and powerful way to debug code. Instead of using print or assert statements, developers can use the logging functions to output messages to different locations, such as the console or a file. This flexibility allows for better organization and management of debug messages, especially when dealing with large amounts of information.

How can I use the pdb debugger to debug my Python code?

Python has a built-in debugger called pdb, which allows developers to run their programs in a step-by-step mode. With pdb, programmers can check the running status of their code at any given point and inspect variables in real-time. The pdb debugger is a handy tool for identifying and fixing complex bugs.

Are there any integrated development environments (IDEs) that can help with Python debugging?

Yes, IDEs like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Eclipse (with the "pydev" plugin) offer features such as breakpoints, single-step execution, and remote debugging. These IDEs provide a user-friendly interface for debugging Python code and can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency for developers.

Can using pen and paper be an effective debugging technique for Python?

Yes, in certain scenarios, using pen and paper can be an effective debugging technique. When dealing with complex projects or a lack of documentation, writing down code snippets, variable values, or class relationships can help developers analyze and understand the structure better. This visual approach can enable programmers to identify errors or incorrect logic by visually mapping out the code or dependencies.

How can understanding the error message help in debugging Python code?

Error messages in Python provide valuable information about where the error occurred, the type of error, and the potential cause. By carefully reading and understanding these error messages, developers can quickly identify the problematic code and take the necessary steps to fix it. Being able to decipher and interpret error messages is a fundamental skill for Python programmers.

What is exception handling and how can it help in debugging Python code?

Exception handling is a fundamental debugging technique in Python. By gracefully handling exceptional occurrences, developers can prevent their programs from crashing and provide appropriate error messages to users. The try-except block is used to catch and handle exceptions in Python. By wrapping code that might raise an exception within a try block, developers can specify alternative actions to be taken if an exception occurs.

How can I effectively use logging for debugging in Python?

In addition to the logging module mentioned earlier, Python developers can employ various techniques to effectively utilize logging for debugging purposes. This includes setting different logging levels, using logging formatters to customize the output format, and incorporating timestamps and additional information in the log messages. By leveraging these logging features, developers can gain valuable insights into the program's behavior and track down bugs more efficiently.

What are some common error types that can occur in Python code?

Common error types in Python include NameError, TypeError, ValueError, and ImportError. Each type of error has distinct characteristics and potential causes. By familiarizing themselves with these common error types, developers can quickly identify and resolve issues in their code, leading to more efficient debugging.

Are there any additional tools available for debugging in Python?

Yes, Python offers various tools that can further enhance the debugging process. These tools include code profilers, memory debugging tools, and IDE-specific debugging features. Code profilers help identify bottlenecks in the code and optimize performance, while memory debugging tools help detect and fix memory-related issues. IDE-specific debugging features, such as Jupyter Notebook's interactive debugging, provide a seamless debugging experience tailored to the specific IDE's functionalities.