The Importance of Writing Good Web Site Sales Copy

Apr 20


Judy Cullins

Judy Cullins

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The ... of Writing Good Web Site Sales CopyJudy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights ... small ... fail because their owners don't ... ... to sales copy. ... ...


The Importance of Writing Good Web Site Sales Copy
Judy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights Reserved.

Many small businesses fail because their owners don't pay
enough attention to sales copy. Especially Online.

The biggest mistake? Sales copy that doesn't serve the needs
and desires of your site's visitor.

Ask yourself these questions: "What does my Web site say
about me? Does its messages take my readers by the collar and
convince them to read more? Do my words inspire my readers?
Will they learn what they need to know in order to arrive at an
informed decision to buy? Will they be eager to contact me?

Here are 6 ways to make your web copy sell products and

1. Create a Web page with words that convince your potential
clients to keep reading,The Importance of Writing Good Web Site Sales Copy Articles to gain trust, and to take action. Think
about the headlines you have placed on your home page. Are
they so powerful and convincing they force your client to click to
your sales letter? Do they describe benefits your potential client
can see, hear and feel? Or are they wishy-washy saying
something like: "Welcome to my site. My bio is at ..., or "click
here" to subscribe to my fabulous ezine?

2. Make it easy for your Web site's visitors to buy. Some
people hate to buy Online because they fear for the security of
their credit card information. Give them several options, including
a coupon they can print and either send by regular mail or fax to
your free 800 number.

3. Model your Web pages after a successful coach's pages. If
something out there seems to be working, why re-invent the
wheel? Visit other Web sites and critically observe what they do
well and what they do poorly. Then, compare those analyses to
your own site.

Your site shouldn't just be a virtual brochure with your
qualifications and offerings. Your home page should have
only "Passion Headlines" that pull sales, one outstanding
testimonial, and a few questions from your reader's point of view
that leads them via a link to your service information and bio. Put
just a few words about you on the home page. People don't care
about you; they want solutions for their challenges.

4. Realize the power of the written word. If your Web site has
been up more than a few months, and you haven't gotten any
business, consider reconstructing it so it pulls sales. Write down
your description of: your audience, its needs and desires.
Address their problems, interests, values and how they like to
receive a service. Pre-plan your Web site, and state its purpose
- is it to make money, gain credibility, share a unique message?

5. List at least 10 benefits provided by your service. What are
best five? List 10 features of your service, too. What are the
best five? Remember, features don't sell, benefits do. Create a
variety of headlines that have marketing pizzazz. They can be in
the form of a question, a command, or a shocking statement, but
they should all be full of specific benefits. "Quadruple your
Online Income" is not enough. You must show how much time
that takes.

6. Finally, create a picture of the outcomes your client will see,
hear and feel. You must touch your potential client's soft spot -
that nerve center that says, "Yes, I want that!" Tap into your
creative side, with a friend, associate, or coach who knows this
uncharted territory - the language of sales.

Become a member of the 5% club -- Web site owners who
make at least half their income from their Web site.