Accept Nothing Less Than a Good Day

Jun 3


Beth McCain

Beth McCain

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Can you imagine what it would be like to have good day after good day? It's possible through the Law of Attraction.


You're hoping that you have a good day.  Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't.  How about having a good day every day that you are alive here on this earth?  Is it possible to have a wonderful day every day?  

You can have a great day every day of your life and as always,Accept Nothing Less Than a Good Day Articles it all starts with you and your thoughts and feelings.

Each evening, before you go to bed, think about the next day and how you would like it to be.  Don't leave the fate of the day to the hands of miscellaneous thoughts and feelings you may have had.  Intentionally create each day.  Go through the process of waking up in the morning, all the way through the end of the day and how you would love it to be.  When you wake up in the morning, expect your day to go well.  Don't put any energy toward the meeting you have been dreading.  Put energy to the great day you are having and include those two hours of your meeting.

Here is where the great day method can become a little bit tricky.  When you go to your meeting and it turns out to be much harder than you envisioned, don't become attached to the strong feelings that are connected with the difficulty of the meeting.  When you dwell on what you don't want and the 'difficulty of a situation', you are creating the same cycle once again.  Learn what you can from the experience without the attachment of the intense emotions connected to your meeting and then move on.  Don't put any more energy toward the negative emotion that you relate to the experience.   The less you have those negative emotions repeating in your mind, the less focus will be put on them and you will at least find yourself in neutral.  Now take it one step further.  Release all of the negativity attached to the day so far and continue on with the good day that you envisioned.  When you pay more attention to the good in your life, the more good will come into your life.  When you pay more attention to the negative in your life, more negative will come knocking at your door. 

This doesn't mean you become a Law of Attraction Zombie with no feelings.  It just means to remind yourself to pay attention where attention should be paid.  You have a specific life that you want to live and you want to focus upon the good.  When you have one of those negative experiences, look at it, see what there is to learn, and fast forward to a good day.  End of story.

Creating your day on a daily basis will eventually if not immediately change your days to enjoy more ease and joy.   Pay attention to the ease and joy and create it within your mind, the Universe will pick up on your signals, and you will find you will have day after day of good days using the Law of Attraction.

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