Are You Relationship Ready? 3 Simple Steps to Moving Forward

Aug 1


Dr. Cindy Brown

Dr. Cindy Brown

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Are you wanting a relationship but not doing the right things to attract him/her? Are you wanting a relationship but afraid to step out in the world b...


Are you wanting a relationship but not doing the right things to attract him/her? Are you wanting a relationship but afraid to step out in the world because of some fear you have?

I have many clients just like you that seek relationship coaching from me each day to help them figure out why they are alone,Are You Relationship Ready? 3 Simple Steps to Moving Forward Articles not attracting the right person or anybody AND how to use what they have got to be successful in relationships today.

Here are 3 of the steps I teach my clients to begin to be relationship ready. For some people the process is short and for some who need to clear a lot of past relationship and early childhood baggage, it could take a bit longer.

1. Are you attracted to yourself? Ask yourself this question and honestly answer it: Would you want to date you? Would you be attracted to you (your body, your personality and moods, your living situation or environment, your car, your financial situation and/or career path)?

If you answered no to this question and any part of it, you have work to do. You cannot attract the right relationship for you, or man/woman to you when you don't like or love or accept yourself. Reminds me of what my client shared with me- that she didn't want to take her clothes off in front of a man. We found out later- this is why she kept sabotaging potential relationships in the beginning stages of dating.

You must either learn to accept and love yourself the way you are, or change the thing you don't like about yourself to something you love and accept. Easy for me to say, sometimes more challenging for you to do by yourself. I coach people everyday to create goals and plans in this area so that they accomplish them successfully. In a recent poll men said what is most attractive about woman of all sizes and shapes- is a woman that is confident and who likes herself and carries herself that way¡­her energy is sexy. Let me help you with this process!

2. What's standing in your way? Is your slate clean? Is your luggage emptied? I find many of my clients have lot's of unresolved issues, beliefs, wounds left over from either their past relationships or from wounds of their childhood. I find that unconsciously and consciously our heart is held hostage (meaning we can't fully let in or love another) when we have anger, hate, sadness or any unresolved negative emotion towards someone else.

I help my clients identify and work through what's blocking them from letting in love. I teach them to feel deserving and how to receive and give graciously with- out fear.

3. Do you have thoughts, fears, unrealistic expectations and beliefs holding you back? Many people I see have thoughts fears and unrealistic expectations or beliefs that unconsciously affect how they either move forward or make up excuses not to. I myself realized I was using the excuses: I am too busy I can't fit a guy into my schedule AND I will slow down my professional and financial growth if I get into a relationship now. But when I really forced myself to dig deeper I realized I had an unrealistic fear of myself that I would not be able to set boundaries and be disciplined enough to keep my momentum moving forward AND I was also afraid of being hurt again, so what I found out was- that I was really just afraid of being vulnerable, intimate and getting attached again. When I resolved these fears I was able to move past these blocks and manifest my current relationship. You can do this too! 

The good news is I teach a simple process for you to uncover and discover these thoughts, beliefs, expectations and excuses that are holding you back and help you work with them to resolve the issues and be more Relationship ready. Please give me a call today so you can start this simple process so you can be RELATIONSHIP READY FAST! Call me now at 310-202-1610, don't delay!