How Did We Become So Lost?

Mar 24


Terrence Clarence

Terrence Clarence

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If one takes a step back and looks at the evolution of man on planet earth it can be a shocking experience. It seems that so much of our energy, our efforts in so many areas have been based on fear,hate,greed and selfishness and now mother earth is telling us.....enough!


We have it seems,How Did We Become So Lost? Articles for a very long time been slowly cutting though the very branch of the tree upon which we sit. The most noticable aspect of our technological advancement would seem to be that we have enabled ourselves to do do with ever increasing speed and effieciency. So successful have we been that the branch is very close to snapping, to breaking. Maybe we can wake up, maybe we have the collective intelligence to realise that our actions have not been too smart, but one thing is certain. The answer will become known to us and in the not to distant future.

How on earth did we get here? What went wrong? It is as though during the process of evolution we lost something, forgot something very important, or maybe we just turned our backs upon it.

It is only through the luxury of taking one step back and viewing dispassionately the direction that mankind has been travelling for so long that the realisation can take hold. The implications and the impact of the possibilty that we have commited such a monumental error is frightening in its implications. Whichever way you look at it, there can be no denying that of all life forms with whom we share our world, we have developed and evolved in a very unique and bizarre way.

In just about every aspect of our advancement and evolvement we have behaved in, to quote Dr Spock "a very illogical way".

Examples are to be found all around us, all it takes is a break from the grindstone and pressures of life. To just stop for one moment and try to take a look from a different perspective, to try and see through fresh and disspationate eyes. Ok a few examples....... Ok here are a few for starters.

The most dangerous man on this planet right now is arguably the current president of the USA, why? He has the power and the material capability to impliment his convictions and impose his opinions upon others and his point of view is scarey in its simplicity. I am right and you are wrong, my beliefs are the right ones and so yours must be wrong and so we must watch as.....Is making war on terror, "in order to make the world a safer place". Sorry, run that past me again!

The greatest International soft drinks company produce a product that rots teeth and God knows what else........and they target kids in their advertising campaign.

The greatest International fast food enterprise produce food that has now been proven to be at best junk and at worst seriously harmful to health...and yes it is aimed at children. What does this say, what does this tell you about human values. Is it not the greatest of measures nobility & civilisation that the strong should protect the weak and that the children should be at the forefront of our care and protection.

I am not anti American, but the plain fact is America has for some time now been at the forefront of consumerism and our current evolutionary direction. America has been telling the world now to follow them, become as them and they have even attacked countries that strongly dissagree with them.

So what does all the above indicate? To me it indicates that we as a species have become hopelessly lost, that our sense of basic human values has been lost and that we have, as a species morally lost our way.

Since the beginning we have regarded ourselves as superior and apart from our world and all we share it with. Since the beginning we have assumed all to be for our utilisation and at our disposal. We have pressumed that all that exists on our planet has been soley for our benefit.Clearly this has been At the very least presumptious and at worst dangerously arrogant. Let's see how dumb they are.

Take the animals that we are most familiar with, closest too, cats and dogs Even they seem to share qualities that we no longer have qualities that we do not even consider important. `Blow cigarette smoke in the direction of a cat, or dog, runs away right? We the smart ones not only breath it in, we like it!

Again dogs and cats. There are countless tales of these animals getting lost, or left behind, from a house move and finding their way, sometimes 1,000,s of miles to their owners. Do we give a thought to this magic, do we even consider the huge implications of what is happening here, of what is guiding them?

In truth the magic and magnificance of creation surrounds us all, but we have become blind to it, or worse we no longer care to consider its importance. The wildlife that still retains that so important connection we dismiss with ill considered explanations. Yes of course birds can migrate maybe 1,000,s of miles its in their genes we say and dismiss it as unimportant. What is in their genes, what is guiding them?

Fish, put Koi Carp in a small pond and they will not grow very much and probably not mate either. transfer those same fish to a bigger pond and they will both grow and mate. How do they do that, what is guiding them?

Really the list is endless, we are in fact surrounded by a world of wonders and inspiration, but can we see, can we learn, or at least be in awe of these incredible and wonderful capabilities. Is it possible that somewhere along the road that we as a race have been travelling for milleniums we lost something, could it be that we lost a very precious quality? Could it be that their is a thread of existence connecting all creation? Could it be that this very indifinable thread is what is sustaining all existence and could it be that somehow we have lost, or forgotten this crucial aspect of being alive?

Maybe there is something, some spark within us that lies dormant, some faint inborn connection to something that we no longer undertand? Star Wars was a monster hit across the world and the "force" that central theme of these movies, was portayed as an achievable connection to an inner guiding strength, a power within. Could it be. There are many examples of the human capability to transcend the phyiscal limitations we regard as reality. The saints, sages, magicians through the ages, are they tapping into something, connecting with a power,a source that we have as a race forgotten, or turned our back on. Throughout the ages there have been signs and signals, that there is more to being a human being than soley the physical and material. The magicians of legend, the saints and the sages and the prophets have all tried to advise us, but we seem to be unable to understand, or have time to discover individually this connection. We seem now to be obsessed only with the material and pysical aspects of being alive.

How far have we come in terms of awareness, in terms of being human? Have we even evolved, or become any wiser at all? Is not the mentality behind the creation of the atom bomb equal, or the same as the mentality of the caveman milleniums ago on making the first club. Is there in fact any indication at all that we have become wiser? Are not both of these developments based on the same fears, the same agressive tendencies and the same feelings of being alone, distrustful or apart from our fellow man. A species that for personal financial gain will produce food, or drink that is actually harmful to his fellow humans. A species that will put into those same products chemicals to either enhance the flavour, or prolong the life of the product, that is again provably harmful to human life.

How do you sum up, or judge a civilisation that expends huge effort and recourses into producing what is at best uneccessary and at worst harmful. How do you describe a species that will produce, soley for financial gain products that are actually harmful to their own children. What does this say about the evolutionary direction we have been and are travelling. Is it not our moral duty to protect our children? Yes we are destroying our own planet, slowly killing Mother Earth, but should we be surprised? Have we not since we came out of the trees been destroying all in our path? Wildlife, nature and each other. No our current predicament really is a logical continuation of attitudes and values that we have been following for a very long time? Is it because of some inbuilt fear, or are we simply very agressive by our nature. Whatever the reason we have as a species devoted so much effort, time and resources too bigger and better ways to cause death and destruction to our fellow man. Has the mentality behind our efforts really evolved at all. Is not the Atom bomb simply a bigger and better club with which to inflict injury, or death to our neighbour, it seems; since we learnt how walk on two legs.

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