How to Stop Drinking at Home

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Stop drinking without the powerlessness of 12-step meetings or the shame of traditional rehab.


I know that you’ve been led to believe that alcohol addiction is a brain disease or that it’s a life-long affliction that can never really be overcome. However,How to Stop Drinking at Home Articles nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, there is absolutely no empirical evidence to even suggest such a thing! Sure, the National Institute on Drug Abuse will show you hundreds of CT scans demonstrating the mind altering effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain, but what does that really prove – other than the fact that those substances do have an effect on the mind when using them? But, so do various other innocuous substances and activities such as sugar, salt and exercise! In addition, if you closely examine the requirements for disease classification, you’ll find that addiction does not meet the criteria. Disease is considered to be a treatable, pathologically, diagnosed malady that causes an adverse affect on the physical body.  As an example, cancer and tuberculosis are diseases. If you turn to the next closest category, which is mental illness, you’ll find that addiction doesn’t meet its respective criteria either. This category is comprised of varying degrees of mental disorders ranging from psychotic, anxiety and adjustment disorders. If you examine these closely, you’ll find that none of them can be pathological diagnosed. Diagnosis is purely a matter of opinion, based on the emotional and psychological patterns of the individual. In conclusion, addiction is unlike a physical disorder such as cancer, and it’s also unlike a mental disorder such as schizophrenia since the first is pathological diagnosed and the second is diagnosed by pure speculation. Addiction strays furthest from the original definition of disease because it describes behavior, which is often erratic, unpredictable and beyond the scope of definitive pathology. Plain and simple, addiction is a choice! And, if you understand why you made that choice in the first place, you can make another – addiction freedom. But, the right choice will take courage. It always does, doesn’t it? However, if you have the courage to take the high road, I’ll make you the following promise: What’s waiting for you on the other side is a whole lot better than where you’ve been!

I’d like you to take a moment to search your feelings! And, I like you to begin with the root cause of your emotional pain because that is exactly what’s driving your destructive drinking, isn’t it? What is it that you don’t want to think about? What issues have you been attempting to dowse with alcohol? If you’re honest about it, you’ll confess that they stem from family dysfunction. What happened in your childhood that has undermined your self-esteem, robbed you of your personal power, and stripped you of your identity? Were you verbally, physically or sexually abused? Were, your parents very controlling? Were you abandoned as a child? Did your parents force you to become a parent by taking care of your siblings or worse, them? Did they show up part-time for a full-time job? Did your parents abuse alcohol or drugs? These are the patterns that undermine self-esteem and drive addictive behavior. And let me assure you, I have never seen a single case of addiction in the past five years that wasn’t caused by family dysfunction – not one! And, if any addicted person tells you that they grew up in a leave it to beaver atmosphere with Ward and June Cleaver at the helm, they are being disingenuous at best, and at worst they are offering up a bold face lie!

So, to sum it up; the root cause of addiction is the underlying emotional trauma and pain caused by family dysfunction. And, to overcome that emotional trauma and your destructive drinking requires the following two components:



First, you must liberate yourself from the smothering and literally choking effects of family dysfunction. Second, you must restore your personal power, identity and self-esteem by embracing forgiveness, self-love and selflessness. Bottom line, remove the emotional pain and destructive drinking will become repulsive to you.


David Roppo

The Addiction Freedom Coach

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