Law Of Attraction

Sep 17


Char Cooper

Char Cooper

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Law Of Attraction, what you focus on expands and becomes your reality, be careful where you put your focus.


Copyright (c) 2007 Char Cooper RN,Law Of Attraction Articles MSN, APRN

What does the LAW OF ATTRACTION have to do with feeling good? The Law of Attraction is so huge right now. Jim and I have been familiar with this for years, and we are so excited its finally hitting the mainstream (we're such trendsetters tee hee). Brace yourself for many miracles!

What is the Law of Attraction? In a nut shell its a universal law that states what we focus on expands. In other words whatever is going on in your mind, whatever your thoughts and feelings are focused on, will be reflected in your life.

So if you are unhappy and complaining about your circumstances all the time, guess what, you will be attracting more of that to you. That's right, more unhappiness and more things to complain about. If you make a conscious effort to feel good and you are grateful for all your blessings, you will attract more things to feel good about and to be grateful for. Sounds simple right? Well, it can be.

With practice and conscious awareness, feeling good and being grateful can become a natural habit, your baseline feeling. Unfortunately, most people aren't aware of what they are thinking a good majority of the time. When they are, they are usually placing their thoughts on what is or worse yet what they don't want.

By switching our focus from what we don't like to what we want to create, and at the same time feeling good about that, we are sending a different message. This focus then makes mountains move and lives change and unbelievable miracles take place, all because of a consistent change in thought and feelings.

Approximately 10 years ago Jim has told me he was meditating regularly on attracting a specific type of woman into his life who would be his spiritual partner. At the same time in a different state I too was working on manifesting a magnificent man. Through a series of "just meant to be" type of experiences, we were fixed up on a blind date. What you see here is our wedding picture. This year we will be celebrating 10yrs of being spiritual partners and our 5th wedding anniversary! No coincidence. We attracted each other into our lives using thought and intention.

There is more to the Law of Attraction than this space allows. Know that it is much more than positive thinking and affirmations (not that there's anything wrong with positive thinking and affirmations). It is life changing! If you would like to know more about the Law of Attraction, I strongly recommend you see the movie "The Secret."

In the meantime, be aware of your thoughts and feelings and consciously use the Law of Attraction to create the life you want.