Relief For Stress - 5 Proven Ways to Fight Off Stress For Good

Jul 17


Truby Johnson

Truby Johnson

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Trying to find relief for stress can be challenging sometimes. In this article we will discuss five proven ways to take back control of your body and stop stress dead in its track.


Have you ever noticed the before and after picture of someone who had a stressful job and their hair turned almost completely gray within a few short years? Did you know that stress (genotoxic stress) was the primary cause of turning those hairs gray? In this article we will discuss 5 tips to help you find relief for stress.

1. Unorganized

Some people find this to be shocking when they realize that being unorganized can cause a lot of stress. If you think about it just for a moment,Relief For Stress - 5 Proven Ways to Fight Off Stress For Good Articles it shouldn't be shocking at all. When things are not in order it will automatic cause disruption in ones life. This is one reason why a lot of depressed people can live in the midst of mess and feel very comfortable. When you are unorganized this is the beginning stages of stress.

2. Lack of sleep

In a fast pace environment, sleep is one of the last thing to occur. Some people will fall asleep only because their body shuts down completely. Sleep should be part of our everyday lives as work or food is. This is why we should always avoid stimulants and sugar especially a few hours before bedtime. A lack of sleep will set you up for a stressful day ahead.

3. Exercise

By now we should all know that exercise lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and stress. Exercise  pumps up endorphins and decreases stress hormones, like cortisol. It also boosts blood flow to your brain which increase blood circulation. This can cause you to feel better about yourself creating a new you which in turn may cause your stress level to go down.

4. Relationships

Recent studies have shown that having an emotional relationship with someone reduce anxiety and stress. Some people find relief for stress in a pet or something close to it that needs care. Of course the opposite maybe true if ever you lose a love one or pet.

5. Comedy and Laughter

In the book of Proverbs it says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine (proverbs 17:22). You can find a lot of stress relief through laughing. Have you ever noticed the mood of people at a comedy club? This is a great antidote to fight off some of the pressure life sometime bring. The next time you feel stress creeping up on you try watching a funny movie or your favorite comedian and watch what happens.

In conclusion, you can find relief for stress using any or all of the examples above. There is a reason why this condition is known as the silent killer. Let's stop it dead in its track!