Stress Relief Tips - How To Let Go Of Stress Beginning Today

Mar 9


Linda Hampton

Linda Hampton

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The times when you need stress relief strategies the most are the times of crisis.Your unlikely to use them unless they've been practiced and made an important part your life. It's not enough to read about stress relief you must practice them to be effective.


It's not enough to read about stress relief strategies and have knowledge about them you must practice and use them to be effective.

Remember,Stress Relief Tips - How To Let Go Of Stress Beginning Today Articles the times when you need stress relief strategies the most are the times of crisis when we're least likely to use them unless they've been practiced and made an important part of our daily life.

Too often we look for change from without rather then from within. The traditional medical model of treatment is offer a pill as the solution to all that ails you. But you're in the drivers seat.

Once you have mastered a few stress relief strategies as the song goes "ain't no stopping us now". Having a sense of your own personal power is self motivating for you to continue on your path of learning and health.

None of this has to be difficult. It should be a lot of fun.

I recommend a daily routine to my clients. Now let's jump start your stress relief program now:

Peaceful wakeup call

Forget stumbling out of bed every morning at the last minute. Begin a wake up habit that is peaceful. Take a few breaths and become aware of your breathing. Concentrate your attention on different parts of you body. Repeat an affirmation of your choice and set your intention for the day.

Step back and observe your worry

It's hard to change something if you don't understand it. So become aware of you worry about and keep a daily journal. You will identify you anxious thoughts and observe how they make you feel. Remember that most of what you imagine will happen never will. Most chronic worrier fear some catastrophic outcome. So don't worry before you need to.

Self acceptance

Self acceptance is your ability to accept yourself with compassion and without self criticism, self evaluation or self judgment. Stop for a moment and consider these words "I okay the way I am" Now watch out for your next thoughts. Did you add a "but" behind that sentence. The easiest way to master this is to accept yourself just for that moment. That's not too hard. Don't think of the past or even beyond the moment. Accept yourself moment by moment.

Self talk to change your attitude

Negative statements about yourself erode your self worth. When doubt sneaks in, it brings you down by lowering your confidence and self-esteem. Self-talk is it's not hypnosis or subliminal but a repletion of the positive ideas concepts and affirmations that you say, or listen to over a period of time. Let me give you an examples. Instead of going to work and saying "I don't feel like working today" with your new self-talk say "I'm so happy to have a job". Remember your rephrasing your old self-talk with new ones.

Speak up for yourself.

Be able to give your own opinion. Don't expect everyone to agree with you and don't expect to agree with everyone else. That's just not realistic. Your opinions are valid and you need to respect your own voice.

And now you have a few tools to relieve your stress starting today.