The Influence of Authorship on Spiritual Literature

Feb 14


Sean M. Clarke

Sean M. Clarke

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Spiritual literature can be a powerful tool for personal growth and enlightenment. However, the impact of such literature is significantly influenced by the author's spiritual integrity and insight. This article delves into the profound effects that authors have on the spiritual content of their books, exploring the benefits and potential risks associated with reading spiritual texts. We'll examine how the author's spiritual level can shape the energy and truthfulness of their work, and what readers can truly gain from engaging with these texts.

Categories of Authors in Spiritual Literature

Spiritual literature is not created equal,The Influence of Authorship on Spiritual Literature Articles and much of its value hinges on the spiritual caliber of its author. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) categorizes authors into four distinct groups:

  • A spiritually average author of a general topic book
  • A spiritually average author of a spiritual book
  • A fake spiritual guide influenced by negative entities
  • A Guru or Saint with a high spiritual level

Measuring Spiritual Energy in Literature

The SSRF conducted research to measure the spiritual energy present in books, considering three aspects:

  • The energy in the words themselves (shabdashakti)
  • The energy in the sound of the words (naadshakti)
  • The energy generated by the author's spiritual level affecting the words and sound

Findings on Spiritual Energy

  • Publication by a spiritually average person: Words (2%), Sound (2%), Author's influence (1%), Total energy (5%)
  • Publication by a fake guide: Words (1%), Sound (1%), Author's influence (3%), Total energy (5%)
  • Publications by a Saint: Words (30%), Sound (30%), Author's influence (40%), Total energy (100%)

The Process of Acquiring Knowledge for Writing

  • Average person: Spiritual level (30%), Knowledge source (third region of Patal), Truth percentage (5%)
  • Fake guide: Spiritual level (50%), Influenced by entities from the fourth Patal, Truth percentage (-5%)
  • Saint: Spiritual level (100%), Knowledge from the universal mind and intellect, Truth percentage (30-100%)

Research Methodology

The SSRF's research involved a seeker, Priyanka Lotlikar, who used her advanced sixth sense to observe the spiritual dimension of the books without reading them. Her findings were verified by His Holiness Dr. Athavale. She assessed the subtle effects of the books and the knowledge acquisition process of the authors.

The Impact of Reading Spiritual Books by Different Authors

Average Authors

Books by average authors can trap readers in illusory thoughts, often transmitting black energy frequencies and illusory waves, which can be spiritually detrimental.

Fake Spiritual Guides

Books by fake guides can cause mental distress and confusion, as they are often written under the influence of negative entities that exploit the author's ego and desire for fame.

Saints and Gurus

Saints access divine knowledge directly and write with the sole intention of guiding others towards spiritual fulfillment and God-realization. Their writings are imbued with Divine Consciousness and can offer spiritual healing.


The spiritual value of literature is deeply tied to the author's spiritual standing. While books by average authors or fake guides can be influenced by negative energies, those penned by Saints and Gurus provide timeless wisdom and spiritual guidance.

For more insights on the influence of authorship on spiritual literature, visit the Spiritual Science Research Foundation.

Interesting stats and data about the topic are not widely discussed in mainstream sources. However, the SSRF provides a unique perspective on the spiritual energy present in literature, which is not commonly found in other research. For further reading on the subtle dimensions of spirituality, you can explore the works and findings of the SSRF and other similar organizations.