With Self Control You Can Ensure A Life Of Health and Joy

Jan 19


Chandrasoma Perera

Chandrasoma Perera

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Due to lack of self control we lag behind others in our life's jouney towards lifefulfillment for ourselves and our loved ones. A just a little bit of mindful effort to stop a bad habilt may ensure progress in our life. A habit if not ressisted soon become a necessity and then it becomes difficult to stop. Smoking is an evil habit that can bring death near and send health flying away from us. So it has to be stopped as evil.


In a crowded place a smart looking person,With Self Control You Can Ensure A  Life Of Health and Joy Articles seated close to you, may ask you in a very polite manner "Do you mind if I smoke?”  A seemingly innocent request to which your response will be to nod agreeably as if to say okay. 

We do not realize that such a mannerly question spells evil?  Would you have nodded and said ‘okay’ if he had asked you the same question this way… “Do you mind if I poison you?"  If he had asked you “May I have your permission to give you Cancer?" then your spot reaction would have been a strong objection.

After your okay to his initial polite question, the stranger will make his nest move. He will securely pull out a cigarette from his pocket. You won’t believe me if I state that it is an act very similar to pulling out a small gun, because a cigarette too, like a gun, can kill. But unlike a gun, a cigarette kills without drawing blood.

A gun releases one deadly bullet at one target at a time, but a cigarette releases a stream of deadly bullets, tiny in size, targeting every one at close range.  These tiny bullets are smoke-particles that are harmful to both the smoker and the ones inhaling the smoke unintentionally as well, the second-hand smokers that include children as well.

The smoke coming out of a cigarette is so deadly that each cigarette can reduce the smoker's life-span by around seven to eleven minutes.  Also, it has been estimated that nine out of ten people who require heart-by-pass operations are smokers or ex-smokers. Therefore, smoking is the most preventable cause of death in Society. 

We all have a vision in life as to where we want to end up. It is what we devotedly do with regular focus that takes us towards our vision.  Similarly, the vision of a smoker is identified as ‘the Coffin’ and by his regular actions soon he will end up in it.

It is said that on average a smoker dies eight years earlier than a non smoker. Further more, eighty five percent of the causes of Lung Cancer is related to smoking. And it is a fact that a smoker is twelve times more likely to develop Lung Cancer.

The risks faced by the regular smokers are as follows;

1) Blood clots, which may lead to strokes etc,

2) Cancer,

3) Coronary artery disease, heart attacks,

4) Decreased ability to taste and smell,

5) Delay in wound healing,

6) High blood pressure,

7) Lung problems such as chronic bronchitis,

8) Pregnancy-related problems, including    miscarriage,   premature labor, low birth weight,    risk of sudden infant death,

9) Tooth and gum diseases etc.

And those who are regularly around the smoke of others (secondhand smokers) have a higher risk of;

1) Coronary artery disease,

2) Lung Cancer,

3) Sudden and severe reactions involving the eye,    nose, throat, and lower respiratory tract.

Meanwhile, the Infants and children that are exposed regularly to secondhand smoke are at risk of;

1) Asthma,

2) Infections,

3) Pneumonia,

4) Poor lung function,

5) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) etc.

It is sad that in spite of imminent danger the smokers continue to enjoy smoking. And the tobacco industry too is thriving and playing a supportive role to the economy as a provider of more and more jobs.  The smokers too generate jobs and income for doctors, grave- diggers etc.

If you are a smoker this is the time to make a New Year Resolution to stop this evil habit. Think of your children, family and loved ones and their future with you as the provider and guardian of the family. It is your obligation to your loved ones to live a long healthily life.
