Sex After Kids? How New Moms Can Keep Romance Alive

Nov 17


Arlene Pellicane

Arlene Pellicane

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Having trouble feeling sexy when there are diapers, dishes and errands to be done? Get some inspiration for a little more romance in your life.


It’s the end of the day…finally. You’re lying in bed exhausted next to your husband. You can guess what happens next. Nothing! You’re too tired to think about sex,Sex After Kids?  How New Moms Can Keep Romance Alive Articles much less have it.

Sex can be the last thing on your mind when you’ve got a baby to feed, groceries to buy, diapers to change, and clothes to wash. But for your husband, sex is probably much higher on the priority list. So what can you do to keep the home fires burning and also keep yourself from burning out?

1. Connect emotionally each day with your husband. Spend a few minutes talking about your day, the kind of talking you used to do before kids came into the picture. You may not have time for long hand-in-hand strolls, but you can spend 5 minutes talking about what’s on your heart. When you feel connected emotionally to your husband, it’s much easier to think of sex.

2. Schedule times for intimacy. It may not sound very sexy or spontaneous, but you actually have to put lovemaking on the calendar. This way, you can prepare yourself and plan your day accordingly. It will give you and your husband something to look forward to.

3. Plan a yearly getaway. Whether it’s for your anniversary, a birthday, or another special occasion, set a time when you spend one night together without the kids. Take time to enjoy each other and communicate your love for your husband physically.

Remember that making love is a gift, not a chore. This thought doesn’t come naturally many days when you’re tired and feeling maxed out. But as you give love to your husband, you’ll receive so much love in return.

Today’s action step: Ask your husband what you can do to sexually satisfy him. Schedule a play date with him in your calendar.

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