Great Plains User Training Overview for Consultant

Nov 9


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP is typically deployed in mid-size organizations, or if it is in the smaller firm, then likely that business processes are relatively complex, and this was potentially one of the reasons Great Plains was evaluated and chosen.


As modern MRP and ERP applications,Great Plains User Training Overview for Consultant Articles Dynamics GP is relatively intuitive, especially considering role-oriented pages with tight integration with Microsoft Office and Sharepoint.  However it is still mid-size ERP and as such precise user training is needed.  Ideally this publication should help you with your Great Plains Dynamics GP consulting partner and VAR selection.  Let’s review training options and recommendations:

1.       Classroom training.  This type of training is recommended for general GP features, such as screens navigation, Explorer and Smart List, Batch processing concept.  If you have large AR and AP departments, then you may decide to use formal training prior to scheduling precise business oriented training.  Please, note that one of the disadvantages of this type of training is very weak connection to GP user specific transactions entry procedures.  Class room training could be purchased from specialized training organizations

2.       Precise user oriented training.  This training, to be efficient, should be delivered by your serving Dynamics GP consultant, who preferably was involved in your GP selection and implementation process.  This training is usually oriented for user groups.  If you have AR clerks, you may consider the training, where you want to review Sales Order Processing batch verification and posting procedure, then if required SOP approval cycle, AR aging reporting.  This group also may need special Smart List report to be built to control work SOP Invoices, for example.  Special attention should be given to FRx financial reporting – training should include reports design and running

3.       Great Plains Training for IT department.  If you carry MS SQL DBA in staff, you should consider portion of technical support to be assigned to this person, as you should save substantially in reduction of consulting and external support fees.  DBA typically needs training in the following areas: GP DB and sometimes tables structure to run simple scripts, such as Batch unlocking, user deletion from Activity table, recommended GP DB support plans, new workstation installation, customization rollout to the users, FRx installation and support

4.       Training via remote support and web sessions.  Your Great Plains trainer or consultant may serve you from nationwide support center via web session.   This is especially works for US country side businesses, where local Great Plains Resellers support is limited