Reasons why computer freezes while playing games and steps to fix it

Dec 10


matthew ferrall

matthew ferrall

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Normally computers consist of hardware and software, and for proper functioning of it both are needed. While gaming if any of these aspects lack or mismatch, it causes hanging or freezing problems.


I was in the middle of the heat,Reasons why computer freezes while playing games and steps to fix it Articles just going to diffuse this bomb in the counter strike game, as I pressed the keys suddenly my computer got frozen, I was unable to use any of the functions, not even the mouse, my mood got hangs up and wish to do shit on it, I controlled my anger and directly pull the power cord of my computer. Friends, I too have faced this situation many a times, in this situation you have to keep patience and identify the reasons for this. I have worked for the reason behind this and will help you in figuring and fixing out this problem.

Normally computers consist of hardware and software, and for proper functioning of it both are needed. While gaming if any of these aspects lack or mismatch, it causes hanging or freezing problems. The reasons and steps to fix this problem are as follows,

·         Lack of RAM:

Normally a gaming computer needs minimum of 2 GB of RAM for the proper functioning of games.

Solution: upgrade your computer RAM.

·         Video card driver problem:

It plays an important role in graphics rendering of games, so if you don’t have right video card driver or your existing video card driver have bugs, computer games normally freezes out.

Solution: upgrade or replace your video card driver.



·         Corrupted registry:

Windows registry stores information about all the computer programs. What happens is that the registry keys created by the game get corrupted and it becomes difficult for the game set up to function normally.

Solution: run a suitable registry repairing scan if your computer freezes when playing games.

·         Disorganized registry data:

The data stores in the registry also get disorganized in a long run, which too causes freezing of computer.

Solution: use defrags technology available in PC optimization tool to fix computer freezing.

·         Errors in flash and browsers:

When we play games online, we got errors in flash and browsers, which causes freezing of computer system.

Solution: use tools to fix flash and browser errors.

·         Over heating of video card and CPU:

When we play games for hours, video card and CPU gets overheated, which causes freezing of computer.

Solution: shut down your computer and allows it to cool down for a while.

·         Virus problems:

Viruses keep processes running in the background that may cause a freeze during game play. They corrupt the game software installed on the computer.

Solution: Get the best antivirus software and clean out all the virus infections that might be slowing the computer down.

·         Outdated or Corrupted Rendering Software:

If you have an old or corrupted version of software, such as rendering software like DirectX that is installed on the computer. You may experience rendering problems during game play, leading to a freeze.

Solution: install latest version of rendering software.


Friends, these are the ways by which you can find the cause and fix them. If you face any sort of difficulty visit site, it provides online window support, technical support, software’s, protection tools and so on.