Discover Your True Passion

Dec 6


Mary Gersten

Mary Gersten

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One key component to the ability to find success is to find your passion and pursue it. But what does that mean to find your passion, and how do you go about finding it? Doing what you love to do is the key to finding success in all areas of your life. Take the time now to find your passion.


One key component to the ability to find success is to find your passion and pursue it. But what does that mean to find your passion,Discover Your True Passion Articles and how do you go about finding it? Another way to say it is, "What do you love most in life?" What brings you the most fulfillment? What would you do if you had all the money in the world, you were done splurging and traveling abroad and you could just spend your time doing what you want to do? Most of us already know the answer to that. But for some of us, there is a mental block that keeps us from truly realizing it. That mental block can come from a number of different sources. Regardless of the source, the result is that you are not able to fully recognize what your passion truly is.

There are a number of reasons you may have trouble realizing what your true passion is. One is pressure from family members or others you respect and admire to pursue an expected vocation or profession. Usually, the vocation or profession is high paying, has a high social status or is a long-standing tradition in the family. They may have the best of intentions, even playing match-maker with you and a career that seems to be a good fit... to them. In this case, your inability to realize your true passion can stem from not wanting to disappoint people you admire or care about. Your desire to make them proud may stifle any desire you may have to do something else.

Another reason your passion may be difficult to recognize is that you may feel trapped in whatever situation you currently are in. To you, the doors for other opportunities are closed. You may even feel trapped by your own lack of confidence in your ability to make your dream a reality. "If there is no expectation, there is no disappointment," you rationalize. Or, you may not see a way to make it happen financially. This is especially true if you would need to pay for education or training. You may also think that you are too busy, too young, too old, or that it is too late. You do not allow yourself to entertain the possibility of attaining your dream because you do not want to desire something you think you cannot have.

Our amazing minds have the ability to unlock these mental blocks. You can put your mind into the state where the seemingly impossible suddenly seems possible. If the barriers are gone, you will finally see past them and understand what your true passion is. The simple way to do this is to change your "I can't..." to "What if I could?" Just imagine yourself in a situation where your barrier is now gone. You do have enough money. Your family is supportive of your decision. You receive a scholarship for the training program you need. You have all the time in the world. You are old enough or young enough. You were unable to see your passion because your mind wanted to protect you from the pain of disappointment. Imagining yourself in a situation where you would not be disappointed can help you see it more clearly. Because the reality is that it is never too late. There are no missed opportunities; there is just someone else who takes them. Doing what you love to do is the key to finding success in all areas of your life. Take the time now to find your passion.