Shopaholics undeterred by supposed PepperFry complaints

Apr 17


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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The rate at which the world and its technologies are progressing, many things we thought were impossible once up on a time seem close to possible now. Who ever thought that keeping touch with someone living 24 hours away by flight would be as easy as touching upon a couple of buttons?


People have started talking face to face even when they are miles apart and such advancements in technology are thus making the world a much smaller and closer place. The internet has a big hand in taking the world forward. Among other things that people can do over the internet is a mundane task which has been a part of our daily lives since time immemorial – shopping.

Shopping for almost anything,Shopaholics undeterred by supposed PepperFry complaints Articles be it groceries, furniture, clothes, lifestyle products, electronics, etc, can be done online and the time you save doing so can be utilized elsewhere more important. Besides time, energy and money are also saved. When you go shopping in malls, stores and markets, you spend a lot of time and energy and end up buying something which may be available elsewhere at a lower price. Half your day gets wasted in shopping. You can avail of superb discounts and deals online and spend less than a quarter of the time online as opposed to the time you spend roaming from one shop to the other.

For shopping online, you don’t need to withdraw money from your bank and carry bundles of notes with you. In India, many shops still don’t accept plastic cards and expect customers to carry wads of money to pay them. This is an unsafe practice keeping in mind the high rate of thefts happening out there and customers have to go through the inconvenience of safely guarding their wallets while shopping. Online shopping eliminates this stress because the payment is done online itself.

While people abroad have more or less got the hang of online shopping, in India, it is a relatively new trend which has been catching on like wild fire, especially among the urban youth. One of the most popular web shopping portals made by Indians and for Indians is PepperFry. Set up by 2 ex employees of eBay in January 2012, it retails home decor goods and furniture products. Till now people have been having pleasant experiences with this website, so the rumours about the so called PepperFry complaints came as a surprise, more so because they seem to lack authenticity. In fact instead of deterring shoppers from flocking to this website, the effect of the news of PepperFry complaints has been reversed and people actually got curious to know all about this website. As they say, any publicity is good publicity.

Its high time people start getting tech savvy in India as this will only benefit them. Housewives would no longer have to make that daily mundane trip to the market in sweltering heat or terrible rains, loaded with heavy bags; they can simply click a few buttons and get stuff ordered to their doorsteps.

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