Homeopathy Programs Today

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"Overall, graduates of homeopathy programs will have acquired the knowledge and training to apply healthcare treatments like herbs, nutritional counseling, and other medicinal substances for health problems like ear infections, diabetes, skin allergies, and other common health conditions."


Today,Homeopathy Programs Today Articles homeopathy programs are not only offered as a stand-alone course, but as part of larger naturopathic medicine and Oriental medicine school curricula; however, if you are seriously considering a career in homeopathic medicine, you should first explore your professional opportunities in the field.  For example, there are currently three States - Arizona, Connecticut, and Nevada that specifically license medical doctors in homeopathy; in addition, there are well over 25 homeopathy programs throughout the United States and in Canada, so location is something to take into consideration before applying to the school of choice.

In the United States and in Canada, graduates of homeopathy programs can earn a diploma or certificate; and have the option to take short courses or home study courses.  During the initial training, homeopathy programs introduce candidates to the foundations of homeopathic medicine, including the history and philosophy of homeopathy (i.e., Organon of the Medical Art, principles of homeopathy, mind-body medicine, etc.), Study of the Repertory; case analysis, taking and observation; Materia Medica studies, and pharmacy.  In the second year of homeopathy programs, students gain practical training in a clinical setting and begin applying homeopathic principles, in-depth studies in Materia Medica, and the actual management of cases.

Other training options include veterinary homeopathy programs that are intended for our canine, equine and feline counterparts.  These courses of study, much like traditional homeopathic medicine, include many of the same studies, with an emphasis on animals.

Overall, graduates of homeopathy programs will have acquired the knowledge and training to apply healthcare treatments like herbs, nutritional counseling, and other medicinal substances for health problems like ear infections, diabetes, skin allergies, and other common health conditions.  Using the principles of "like cures like," homeopathic practitioners seek to treat patients with a holistic perspective (treating the "whole" person; mind, body and spirit).

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding homeopathy programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like natural healing, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore homeopathy programs near you.

*Ref.  National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Homeopathy Programs Today

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