Getting Pregnant Faster With More Sex, More Often - How Much Sex is Too Much?

Jan 17


 Jade Kermar

Jade Kermar

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If you have just decided to start the process of beginning a family, you may be swimming in a pregnant sea of information. The tips and suggestions seem endless, conflicting, and confusing.


If you've just decided to start the process of beginning a family,Getting Pregnant Faster With More Sex, More Often - How Much Sex is Too Much? Articles you may be swimming in a pregnant sea of information. The tips and suggestions seem endless, conflicting, and confusing. One thing you know is that you have to have intercourse to get pregnant. But with the seemingly alarming number of people struggling with infertility, you may be wondering if there is some special combination of sexual techniques and herbal supplements that will turn the desire for pregnancy into a reality for you. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about intercourse to become pregnant with answers.

Should I have sex every day to get pregnant?

You can only get pregnant when you are ovulating. This period of ovulation, which can be predicted, only spans one or two days of your monthly cycle. It is important to have sex every day during this ovulation period, but having intercourse every day of your entire cycle is not going to get you pregnant.

Can I have too much sex when trying to get pregnant?

The answer to this question depends up on your husband's sperm count. If he has a low sperm count, then it is really important that you only have sex every 48 hours during ovulation. Too much sex for a man with a low sperm count creates a low concentration of sperm in his semen, and this can decrease the probability of conception. If your husband has a normal sperm count, it probably won't hurt too much to have sex every day during ovulation.

Is there a certain sexual position we need to use in order to get pregnant?

Studies have not concluded that there is a best position for conception. Women throughout the ages have gotten pregnant in all positions. However, it is logical that a sexual position where the woman is lying down on her back would increase the chances of sperm getting through the uterus. If you are especially anxious to conceive, you could even have sex in the missionary position with a something under your pelvic area to slightly raise it.

Will having an orgasm decrease my chances of getting pregnant?

Well, obviously, the man has to have an orgasm to create a pregnancy. Often, women worry that having an orgasm will keep the sperm from getting to the egg. In fact, some researchers have found that orgasms in the woman could actually help the sperm travel faster through the uterus.

Is there an ideal time of day to have intercourse when trying to get pregnant?

Since you are only able to accurately predict ovulation and you'll never know for certain when the egg has been released from the ovary, there isn't an ideal time to have intercourse.

To increase your chances of getting pregnant faster, you do need to consider things other than just sex. The woman's body needs to be ready to carry a baby, the man's diet needs to be such that his sperm are as numerous and as healthy as they can be. Ovulation should be predicted as accurately as possible and intercourse should occur on those days. Doing those things are going to give you a greater chance of pregnancy than any thing else you could do, short of going to the fertility clinic. All too often, couples get stressed out about conception and the sex becomes a burden. Ultimately, it is important keep the joy and fun in the bedroom, even as you are working to make a baby.