Simple Habits To Lower Blood Pressure You Might Not Recognize

Jul 19


Elsa X

Elsa X

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Probably you have already known that practices such as doing aerobic exercises as well as reducing salt intake can lower your blood pressure naturally. But the fact is, there are numerous other natural habits such as the following to reduce blood pressure that you may have not considered before.


Probably you have already known that practices such as doing aerobic exercises as well as reducing salt intake can lower your blood pressure naturally. On the other hand,Simple Habits To Lower Blood Pressure You Might Not Recognize Articles there are numerous other natural things to bring high blood pressure down such as the following that you may have not considered previously.

The first habit is getting a sufficient amount of sleep for about 6 to 8 hours each day to help you get a healthy blood pressure. Don’t sleep too much, and don’t sleep too little. A research done at The University of Pittsburgh exposed that participants who had to face tense situations after getting an adequate sleep were capable of doing it with no significant blood pressure increase. This is dissimilar to those who did not have a sufficient sleep. In the equal situations, their blood pressure generally increased 10 points.

The second habit is laughing. Scientifically, laughing has been proven to able to improve your blood vessels. The blood in the body will have an improved flow because endothelium or layer of cells lining the interior surface of blood vessels will expand when you are laughing. Read or watch something funny.

The third habit, listening to rhythmic classical music each day, will significantly reduce your blood pressure. According to a research, people who had mild hypertension who listened to classical music for merely 30 minutes daily for 30 days had decreased their blood pressure considerably.

The fourth habit is getting massages. Not only does it feel great, but it can also lower your blood pressure. With massages, the pressure receptors prompting action from the vagus nerve (one of the nerves from the brain) will be stimulated. The vagus nerve itself has various functions, and regulating blood pressure is one of them.

A research has been done about the benefit of massages for hypertension. People who had hypertension getting 10 massages for 3 weeks, and each massage lasted for 10 minutes, had got considerable blood pressure improvement.

The fifth habit is always getting sufficient vitamin D from the sunshine. Vitamin D can reduce blood pressure since if you don’t have enough your body will produce more parathyroid hormone that can raise blood pressure. Aside from sunshine exposure, you can also eat foods containing vitamin D such as salmon, eggs, fortified milk, and chicken livers.

If you do the habits mentioned in this article, you can start lowering blood pressure naturally without you having to take drugs. On the other hand, if you are currently taking medications but feel improvement in blood pressure after doing the tips above, you should not immediately quit taking medications. You must consult your doctor first.