3 Benefits Social Bookmarking Sites Offer to Online Businesses

Jan 12


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Online social bookmarking sites are extremely popular as a source of up to date and useful information. These bookmarking sites also offer certain advantages to online businesses as well. Discover 3 huge benefits an online business can enjoy from many of the bookmarking sites if they use the service correctly.


Social bookmarking sites are very popular online havens for people who may be searching for any type of content. Most people nowadays turn to the internet in search of answers to their questions. Others are constantly scouring the internet for useful information they can use for business purposes. Using content for distribution across the internet is a highly effective means for increasing exposure. It is for these reasons and others that bookmarking sites are so popular. Content is what these sites are all about and it is because of this that these sites offer such great potential to online entrepreneurs.

Let's look at 3 unique benefits that these sites can offer online businesses.

Traffic Generation

As we previously mentioned social bookmarking is extremely popular online therefore the membership bases are significant in number. The potential for generating traffic from one or many of these sites is staggering if it is done correctly. A commonly accepted and effective way to siphon traffic to your own site is by simply bookmarking your content when at one of these sites.

A few things you want to consider here is not to only bookmark your own content but also that of others. Always avoid creating the image of shameless self-promotions. Another thing you want to keep in mind is that you only want to bookmark useful information and not 'clogged' the system with content of little or no value.

Quality Back Links

Provided that the information you have bookmarked is of value it stands to reason that it will attract others to view it. When this occurs your site is now beginning to receive back links which are viewed as a 'plus' by search engines. The larger the site that links to the content you have bookmarked the bigger the 'plus' in the eyes of search engines. The end result for you is a boost of your search engine rankings which translates into an increase in traffic.

Content Research          

Using these sites for what they are intended and that is for locating information,3 Benefits Social Bookmarking Sites Offer to Online Businesses Articles you can easily find plenty of quality content that can be use for your business. Any information you find at one of these sites is normally very current if not even breaking news.

Social bookmarking sites are a gold mine to anybody or any organization looking for useful information in answer to their questions or to market their business. Using content that contains useful information is a very effective way to gain exposure on the internet. These sites also contain extremely large population bases that if harnessed properly and channeled correctly can offer staggering amounts of traffic. The 3 benefits we spoke of above illustrate both the information and traffic potential of online bookmarking sites. It is merely up to businesses to invest the effort to capitalize on these benefits.