1 Simple Key To Happiness

Sep 21


Gordon Bryan

Gordon Bryan

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Who is the happiest person you know?Not the happiest person you know *of*, but the happiest person you actually ... someone you work ... a ... a member of your ...


Who is the happiest person you know?
Not the happiest person you know *of*,1 Simple Key To Happiness Articles but the happiest person you
actually *know*?

Maybe someone you work with…?
Maybe a friend…?
Maybe a member of your family…?
Maybe the hot dog seller on the corner…?

Do they enjoy what they do?
Now, obviously I can’t know who you’re thinking of, but I *can* tell
you whether or not they enjoy what they do.
(Ok, here’s a clue, the answer begins with ‘Y’ and ends with ‘es’).


They enjoy what they do, they do it for a reason, it is either on a path
Towards a goal, or it was the goal they worked hard for it.

Maybe the hot dog seller used to be a high flyer in the world of
finance, but could no longer stomach the stress and the power politics.
Maybe now he’s his own boss, and instead of spending every weekend
flapping over computer reports, he spends them fishing in the country.

They enjoy the present and plan for tomorrow.

You could pay me a hundred grand to write a newsletter about
widgets, but I wouldn’t enjoy it.
I’d get stressed, maybe even an ulcer, who knows?
Leave it to the widget lovers.

But my newsletter about self-improvement, goal achievement and
wealth creation? I LOVE writing it!

I love the fact that I can work for myself, helping others to make their
lives more free and powerful.
It doesn’t earn me a hundred grand, but that isn’t the point here – or
more accurately, it’s precisely the point!
It makes me happy!

In fact, probably the happiest time of my life was when I was earning
the least, as a newcomer in the entertainment industry, where the
money would certainly be described as ‘poor’!

Something had clicked inside me though, and I knew I was following
my passion.
I felt like I was enjoying the deep end, rather than just paddling at the
shallow end of life’s pool.

So there we are!
Don’t do what you do just for money. Whatever the elusive
‘meaning of life’ may be, it surely isn’t that!

1 simple key to happiness?
Do what you enjoy, and enjoy what you do!