Dependence: Are You at Risk?

Feb 28


Tami Brady

Tami Brady

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Only 1% of the world's assets are in the name of women (Online Women in Politics,

  • 70% of people in abject poverty-- living on less than $1 per day—are women (Online Women in Politics,Dependence: Are You at Risk? Articles
  • Without Child Benefit, one-fifth of married women would be totally dependent on their partner for income (The Extent of Financial Independence for Women Born in 1958,
  • Over half the women of this generation do not themselves receive, from either employment or the state, enough to 'get by'. Over two thirds of married mothers are in this position. They risk real poverty if their partner does not share his income (The Extent of Financial Independence for Women Born in 1958, 

The statistics on financial dependency, particularly in women, are staggering. Still, just think how completely overwhelming those figures would be if they also included woman who are dependent upon others for validation and definition of their self esteem as well as those requiring emotional support or a shield from the ills of the world. What if we then added all those women who are dependent upon others for their mobility or their daily care. Given the extent of such issues, the odds that you know someone with such issues is extremely likely. It could be your sister, your mother, your best friend, or your neighbor. It could even be you.

Are You at Risk?

Would you be financially secure without your spouse’s income?

Do you find it hard to say “no”?

Do you feel unlovable or ugly?

Have you given up on your dreams?

Are you truly happy with your life?

If so, there is hope. It is possible to regain your self esteem, rebuild your self confidence, and become independent once more. Independence is a skill, an attitude, and a lifestyle that anyone can achieve.