Do You Get Nervous?

Jul 11


Jan Tincher

Jan Tincher

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Do you get nervous? How does that feel in your ... it feel like bubbly little gases in your ... you ... those bubbly little gases? TIP: Your brain needs to see what it is that is c


Do you get nervous? How does that feel in your body?

Does it feel like bubbly little gases in your stomach?

Can you visualize those bubbly little gases?

TIP: Your brain needs to see what it is that is causing your nervous reaction in your body. When it can see it,Do You Get Nervous? Articles it can do something about it.

Once you visualize those bubbly little gases, visualize a pin pricking each bubble into nothingness. If there’s any *litter* left, visualize a cleaning crew coming through and putting it in trash bags and carting it away.

How does your stomach feel now? Better, right?

If bubbly gases aren’t your problem, figure out what is. Visualize it, then figure out a way to get rid of it in your mind.

There’s no need to be nervous. Especially once you know you can do something about it.

Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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