Food for Thought Affirmations!

May 10


Ronnie Nijmeh

Ronnie Nijmeh

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There are certain aspects in our life that we can use positive affirmations to totally redirect our negative associations. Eating, however, is a necessity of life in order for us to exist, therefore the use of positive eating affirmations are used for redirecting the negative eating habits that we have formed over many years for many different reasons. The initial step is to identify what unhealthy eating practices we have adopted into our behavior in order for us to set the proper positive eating affirmations.

We can use positive eating affirmations to curb our appetite when we are emotionally eating. Emotional eating tends to be the biggest challenge when it comes to creating a new healthy lifestyle.

We all need help when it comes to making healthy food choices. If not,Food for Thought Affirmations! Articles we somehow approve of negative affirmations, no matter how ridiculous they are. For example, we may say to ourselves (either consciously or sub-consciously): "This double-decker cheeseburger and large fries, followed by a half gallon of peanut butter fudge ice cream will make me feel better." Really? You think so? Because that tends to make people sleepy, tired, and crash from a sugar high. But that's an example of a negative affirmation that we often catch ourselves doing, especially when we feel upset or alone.

Choosing Positive Eating Affirmations

Instead, we could repeat the following daily positive affirmation: "My health is important, and even when I am unhappy, I still choose to be healthy."

It is important to write down your positive eating affirmations and place them in prominent places in order for you to remember and call upon them when the temptations strike you. Place them in the snack food areas and on the refrigerator.

Disallow Temptation and Strengthen your Resolve with Positive Affirmations

Choose to make positive eating affirmations and I assure you that it will help with those challenging moments. What you have to promise me is that you'll make these affirmations readily accessible at any time. In fact, affirmations should become a part of you, ingrained in your mind!

When you go to the supermarket bring your positive eating affirmations with you on 3x5 cards, or write it down on your shopping list. Let it serve as a constant reminder to choose foods that are inline with your goals, not just because it's on sale or because you're craving sugary or salty snacks.

You can even use positive eating affirmations when you occasionally mess up. "I am getting fit and healthier because of my eating choices." or "Though I have made some poor choices in eating healthy foods, I am committed to getting back on track, starting now."

You will not only find that you feel better emotionally, but your body will be stronger for the vitamins and minerals that you are incorporating into your new eating habits. They say it takes six weeks to form a habit, and three months before it is second nature. So, you need to bear this in mind as you start reciting your positive eating affirmations.

Free Positive Eating Affirmation Examples

I've included a list of starter positive eating affirmations to help you on your path to a healthy life. Your reward will be when you instinctively reach for the healthy foods when you are shopping or when you resist junk foods when you're bored or stressed. Subconsciously your mind is making the healthy eating choices because of the mental redesign that you have implemented.

Some additional positive affirmations to help you achieve your goal for healthy eating balance are as follows:

• I choose healthy comfort foods because I love me.

• I pass up the offers of unhealthy snacks and desserts because I have a strong will.

• I willfully choose what I put into my mouth.

• I buy the foods that will make my body stronger.

• I cherish the added vigor and vibrancy that healthy eating gives me.

• I eat when I am hungry, not when I am bored.