How You Can Use Positive Affirmations to Accomplish More

May 12


Ronnie Nijmeh

Ronnie Nijmeh

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The mind is an incredible creation. Our mind controls our health, wellness, longevity, youthfulness and even our success, learning, wealth and prosperity. It truly is "mind over matter" isn't it? Despite these facts, it sure can be hard to stay focused, positive and motivated. After all, we live in a world with so many things assaulting our senses from so many directions that it can be hard to keep cut out the noise.

Studies have shown that only approximately 10% of the brain's ability is tapped by the average person.  But what if we can extract even 1% more of our brain's ability? Can we do it? There is no limitation on the capability of the brain except that which we impose ourselves both consciously and sub-consciously. 

The Greatest Problem of the Modern Age: Multi-Tasking!

We as modern individuals pride ourselves on our ability to multi-task,How You Can Use Positive Affirmations to Accomplish More Articles which, with the volumes of information that we deal with on a daily basis, is a necessary thing to do.  The only problem is that often this very same multi-tasking finds us not prioritizing and so we tend to have some parts of the projects fall through the cracks.  We start too many projects and end up with quasi-finished things that we end up forgetting about once we start the next batch of tasks - all at once!

By using positive prioritization affirmations we can remain focused on the task at hand, and accomplish it in a thorough and professional manner.  If you want to check how well you stay on task, then do the following exercise.  Write out your prioritization goals and then see how you stay on task by repeating the every day.  Any time you get distracted from this goal, note it down on a paper. At the end of the day, check to see how many times you fell off task either intentionally or unintentionally.

I'll be one of the main reasons for the lack of focus on the task will boil down to one of three things:

1) Boredom, causing you to lack alertness

2) External distractions - annoying coworkers are notorious for this

3) Too many things that you're trying to do, all at once. The mound of tasks is bound to collapse at some point!

In essence we are our own worst enemy. Even with external distractions like coworkers, emails, phone calls and noises, we have a choice to allow ourselves to be distracted! Strive to eliminate the temptation to be distracted - that means you need to turn off email, phones, and close your door. Maybe even tell people that it's work-time and ask that they send any questions in a single, compiled email and you'll get back to them when the time is right.

The other aspect of getting things done is training your mind to have laser-like focus and the first step is to remove the negative emotions and thoughts that are drawing us away from the task at hand. You can do this by using positive affirmations.

Some examples of positive prioritization affirmation are: "I am focused on the task at hand. Nothing can disturb me." or  "I choose to ignore distractions that draw me away from what is priority." 

In removing the negative emotions and thoughts, we clear our minds of some of the clutter so we can utilize the space for important prioritizing.