Let Your Spirit Play!

Mar 4


Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette

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Our Second charka or energy center is the seat of personal creativity and vitality. It governs our sexuality, sensuality, and vitality. It governs our sexuality, sensuality, and creative expression. When balanced it allows us to experience the vibrancy and sweetness of life. When opened and balanced we appreciate good food, good sex, good friends, good times, and the good life. It is the conduit for our spirits to fully enjoy the magnificence of the human experience.


The second charka is the one I see most commonly and profoundly collapsed in people. Even in my own life,Let Your Spirit Play! Articles it is the energy center that I, too, am most likely to ignore if I am having difficulty in keeping up with my daily responsibilities.

One of the most natural ways to re-balance our vitality charka is to step off of our daily grind, slip out of our serious selves and engage in some lively, belly laughing play. Though playing sounds inviting, it is amazing how few of us actually remember how to play. And how it can even be frightening to others. During a recent workshop I invited all the participants to do a simple art project with crayons. One of the students stepped up to the front of the room, looking terrified and blurted out, "I can't do this!" and burst into tears. My heart filled with compassion as I could tell that something as playful as coloring was more creative freedom than she had afforded herself in a very long time and it frightened her. In another workshop I invited all the participants to dance as a way to activate their creativity. Again a participant panicked as she ran up to me and said as if in pain, "This is too hard! I don't dance!" Looking in to her eyes I knew it was not that she didn't dance, or didn't want to dance but rather it was that she was ashamed to dance. She somehow had learned along the way that dancing or playing was not OK.

In both cases I felt compassion and sadness. And empathy as well because I to struggle with my own internal "party pooper" at times, the voice in me that doesn't play and would rather keep my nose relentlessly to the grindstone of life.

Fortunately, I have come to realize that when my inner "party pooper" takes over, I doomed. My energy drains, my humor goes, my enthusiasm dies, my temperament sours and I feel like a dark and rainy day. In other words I now I am having a full blown "vitality leak." It is at times like these, when I am dragging on the floor and feeling very sorry for myself that I must remind myself that playing in life is not optional for my spirit. It is mandatory! In fact I believe that we all need to let go, lighten up, and engage in soul nurturing fun as much as we need oxygen to breath. So, if your vitality is lagging, return to balance by coloring, dancing, singing, laughing, telling jokes, making funny faces in the mirror or whatever other ridiculous thing you can think of, and enjoy the hit of life that it will bring. It's good for your spirit, and what is good for your spirit is good for everyone's spirit.

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