Manifesting Tip: Compliment Your Way To Manifesting Success

Jul 20


Maria Meiners

Maria Meiners

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Complementing others can brighten their day and make them feel good. But it goes farther than that. From a Law of Attraction standpoint complementing others benefits you as well.


Ah,Manifesting Tip: Compliment Your Way To Manifesting Success Articles the power of a compliment!  It can turn the most sour frown into a wide grin and literally change someone's whole day.  But a compliment doesn't just benefit the receiver.  It benefits the giver too and from a Law of Attraction standpoint it can get you one step closer to getting what you want.

The first and most obvious reason for this is that happy people are more likely to do what you want.  Remember that the Universe often delivers through ordinary channels.  That includes people in the world around you.  Prefacing a request with a compliment greatly increases the odds that your request will be filled - service with a smile :)

Another, not so obvious reason complimenting people benefits you is that it gets you in the habit of looking for the good in things.  The Law of Attraction is not strictly about positive thinking but most people would agree that they want more good things in their lives.  By focusing on positive things you are sending those vibes out to the Universe which responds by reflecting more positive things back to you.

Third, complimenting people sends a message to the Universe that your world is supportive and friendly.  This only works when you offer genuine complements - the Universe knows when you're faking it.  Again if you send out vibes that the world is supportive and friendly you'll get back more of the same.

Finally it reinforces that humans deserve to be complimented - including you!  In fact, I make it a point to silently compliment myself after verbally complimenting someone else, saying something like, "Wow Maria what a nice sure did make that person smile."