Motivate Yourself

Mar 8


Roy Bartell

Roy Bartell

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Motivate ... Roy ... (c) 2003 All Rights ... ... droops now and then, which can affect ... and outlook on life. ... no one ... q


Motivate yourself

By: Roy Bartell
Copyright (c) 2003
All Rights Reserved

Everyone’s motivation droops now and then,Motivate Yourself Articles which can affect our
productivity and outlook on life. Fortunately, no one motivates
us quite as effectively as we motivate ourselves and we have the
power to reverse these downward spirals. Consider the following:

n Recognise that you’re feeling blue - before your outlook
turns black. Then, find an activity that will recharge your
energies. Asking for a new challenge may be in order. Or, take
some time off for a rejuvenating break.

n Shift your focus outward. Think about how your efforts held
others and benefit your organisation. Make a conscious effort to
make a positive impact on your customers and co-workers.

n Savour your victories. Keep complimentary voice mail
messages, letters and memos and review them when you’re feeling
down. When you finish a task or project, take the time to step
back, enjoy and appreciate your feeling of accomplishment.

n Evaluate your habits. Whether it’s lack of sleep,
procrastination or negative self-talk, work to rid you of the
habits that are holding you down and replace them with a more
productive, healthier attitude.

n Associate with positive people. Identify go-getters in and
outside your company and spend as much time with them as

n Clarify your direction. Drowning in uncertainty dampens the
spark of motivation. Set and keep in front of you both short and
long term goals. Make sure they are challenging and meaningful,
while at the same time attainable and realistic.

n Reach out. If your slump persists, it may be time to seek
professional help to determine what the motivational block might
be and how to break through it.

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