Personal Success- Without Relationships We Have No True Success

May 13


Steve Crenshaw

Steve Crenshaw

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In todays work environment we do not take time to cultivate relationships. The only meaningful things we leave behind when we die are the lives we touch.


One of the trends I see when I talk to people is fewer and fewer meaningful relationships. This goes unnoticed in the work place because we may have several surface relationships (relationships that are not over an inch deep) but these do not make up for just a couple of deep life sharing relationships.

I remember as a child growing up in rural Arkansas we ate every Sunday lunch with all of our extended family. We cooked out on holidays and people would quite literally come out of the hills (no my family tree is not a telephone pole). What I am getting at is the days of families living in the same geographical area are over for most people. We do not have close relatives to talk to about what is going on in our lives. We are actually turning inward and shutting out personal relationships altogether. This trend was shown in a study done by Duke University and The University of Arizona. We need to begin to cultivate deeper relationships with like minded individuals or maybe even with people we do not completely agree with. Where do we find these people?

I suggest starting at your place of employment. Are there any individuals who you know very surface level that you have thought you may want to get to know more about? If you are not a talker you may want to buy books on cultivating relationships. One of my favorites is Dr. John C Maxwell's "25 Ways to Win with People." This just gives you 25 suggestions to build better relationships.

Second,Personal Success- Without Relationships We Have No True Success Articles you could join a group of like minded individuals, The Optimist Club, Toastmasters or the Chamber of Commerce in your local area. Maybe you could join a Church or Synagogue. I do not know about synagogues but most churches today offer men's groups, women's groups, singles ministries, family and marriage ministries. So they have opportunities for everyone to be part of something. I am starting a men's mentoring group this fall at my church. I will be doing the same type of coaching I offer my client's but it will be in a group setting.

My point is this. Take the time to develop deep relationships. You musty make the time. Do not say I will do it tomorrow do it now. You know the saying that tomorrow never will come. Host parties at your house; just do something to get involved with others. I give you this warning, people are still people. None of us are perfect but if you worry about getting hurt you will miss all of the happiness as well. Don't give up because in the end the only thing we really leave behind are the lives we touch.

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